Thursday, October 22, 2009


Here is Olivia saying "Hi" to everyone! She is relaxing in her crib right now. I think I have only put her in there a couple times. She just seemed so sleepy. I wanted to take some pictures of her in there- after I took them she closed her eyes and went to sleep! You can tell she looks tired in these photos. She isn't even swaddled so you know she must be tired! I hear her waking up in there now though... Here are some other photos from inside the crib and one from this morning. John held her up to the tv to show how small she is- it looks like she is talking to the woman on tv!

Last night wasn't too good- she was up every 3 hours or so and takes at least and hour to go back to sleep so that meant I only got sleep in 2 hour stretches. yuck. I woke up with a really bad headache. Luckily John has a flexible schedule and was able to stay home for a couple hours until I was feeling better. That helped a lot! We also got a nap in this morning, so that was nice. Although I feel like I could use another one already... well better go- I hear Olivia calling for me!