Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy birthday Jenny!!!

Happy birthday Jenny!
You are such a wonderful friend, sister-in-law and auntie to Olivia! We love you and hope you have a great day!


I won another giveaway on a blog I read regularly. I won't post what it is because I was hoping to win it for Amanda! (It is pregnancy related) Anyway if you are reading this Amanda I have something coming in the mail hopefully soon to give you!!! Amanda is due in August with a baby (girl I think, but apparently her sister and I are the only 2 that think so). I am so excited to have another little playmate for Olivia soon!!! Amanda and Taylor are going to make great parents.
Here we are a couple years ago stressed out about nursing school. ha ha. This is what it feels like having a newborn sometimes too!

Next up is Jenny! :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

and some from today...

It was such a pretty day today Olivia decided to wear some orange and yellow baby legs!

reaching for the camera...

Just relaxing on her side.

She is going to crawl away now. Bye!

a few from yesterday

A few from yesterday... the weather was so sunny so we ended up going outside after her nap to take a few pictures but Olivia was not impressed.

Here she is in her new hat before we went over to Jenny's house.

Sitting in my lap being her "busy" self.

Sitting on the grass all by herself. She is getting better at this!

Here is her "not impressed with the sunshine in my face" look

I *finally* got a smile!

rice cereal

Sorry not the best pictures.. (john took them! ha ha) Anyway we tried giving Olivia a little rice cereal yesterday since she is almost 5 months and she seems to be getting more hungry lately. Anyway, she was not impressed. We gave her a little in the morning - which is when these pictures were taken, just to see how she would do. She did ok... then that night she was NOT in the mood for it. She ate a little but just wanted to go to bed. I ended up putting what she didn't eat into a bottle to see if that would help with her fullness. I think the whole "once they eat rice cereal they will sleep longer" is a myth. Olivia actually slept worse than she did the night before! She didn't do terrible by any means, but she woke up at 1am hungry just like usual. Growing girl!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

jeep stroller giveaway

I have become addicted to blog giveaways lately! Notice the buttons on the right side of my blog now. I think it all started when I won a personalized bag for Olivia on facebook... and then I won a coddlelife bottle.... and then I won a name print for Olivia! I never win anything so this has been super exciting. Anyway one of the blogs I have started following, tic tac dough is having an awesome one for a jeep stroller. There are some *really* good giveaways out there! The stroller looks super nice and I think would be great for John to have with her when she gets older. And hello, it has a freaking ipod sound system! How cool would it be to listen to the ipod while on a walk around the neighborhood! Anyway you can all enter and feel free to give it to Olivia if you win! :)

click here:
Jeep giveaway


I have been busy lately, finally worked 3 in a row! Unfortunately I have only 2 days off before going back for 3 more... it has been getting really busy at work, which is good (and bad). Here are a couple pictures from when I got home Saturday morning. Olivia had just woken up so she looks different- more sleepy! She sleeps on her tummy now. Pretty much rolls over as soon as you lay her down. I too a couple pictures the other day of that.. I will have to dig those up. Anyway here she is eating breakfast with us. Such a nice day too!

And doing a little naked tummy time. She is finally really enjoying being on her tummy and can bee there for long persiods of time. I put her on a bunch of towels and let her air out her lady parts. She had been getting a bit of diaper rash and now it seems to come and go. I think this helps a lot. I took some really cute pictures but I don't think I need the internet seeing her buns!

Anyway she is doing great. John is doing great at being with her in the evenings too! She usually goes to bed between 7 and 8pm and sleeps at least 6 hours. Tonight she slept for 8 but I can't go back to sleep so here I am... anyway I think she is getting hungry at night (since she is eating) and we are going to try out rice cereal tonight to see if it makes any difference. The pedi suggested 5 months but I think she is ready. She is very interested in our food now!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Olivia has really taken an interest in Martini lately. When she sees him she stares and smiles. She just started also reaching for him and wanting to grab him. We took a few pictures the other night while I fed Martini cheerios. I think Martini better get used to being grabbed and chased around soon!

wow talk about difference in picture quality! This was taken in the natural light (with the same camera) and Martini is not returning the love- ha ha.

Olivia and Brenna

Olivia and her BFF Brenna- Olivia is 4 months and Brenna is 5 months. I love that they are 1 month apart exactly! It is so fun to see them interact and see their personalities come out. Olivia is very active and Brenna is very mellow. I think that is why Brenna tends to be a much better napper than Olivia! At this age, Brenna seemed much more interested in Olivia than Olivia was in her. She wanted to reach out and touch Olivia. It was very cute.

Brenna telling Olivia a secret.
Pretty girls

Looks like they are reaching in for hugs!

And here, Olivia putting Brenna's thumb in her mouth. That's my girl!

more from Valentines day

A few pictures from Valentines day and a cute picture I forgot to put on here that I made from her 4 month picture.

Olivia reading her card from tante Marie

Look at all her cards and little present from Auntie Jenny!

Jenny and Olivia

We didn't have the greatest day unfortunately. Olivia was sort of grumpy and was running a tiny temp. I think she was just having an "off" day. Luckily she was just as happy as can be the next day!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

Love, Olivia

Saturday, February 13, 2010

little sleeper

Olivia has been consistently sleeping really well now! I know there will still be difficult days ahead but it is so nice to have her go down for the night and know she should be ok for the majority of the night! Two nights ago she slept 11 hours in a row! I worked last night and she slept 9 hours in a row. She goes to bed fairly early though so that meant she was up to eat at 4 am! Thats ok though because John said she was back in bed around 5 and slept until 730. She needs to sleep at night now to make up for her lack of napping! She now naps for about 30 minutes at a time. Usually 3 to 4 times a day. Makes it hard for me to get anything done, but as long as she sleeps at night that is just fine! She usually ends up laughing and talking in her crib which is so cute. Anyway, tomorrow is Valentines day and I will be sure to post some more special pictures!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


a few photos from our little "valentines" photo shoot from today!

Olivia checking out her bff but he doesn't seem to return the love!

She kept constantly rolling...

Hi Amanda! :)


Olivia is dressed in a colorful outfit today! I love those baby legs... I just found on ebay you can get a bunch for really inexpensive! I haven't bought any yet but that is good to know! She is down for her 2nd nap now... Hopefully this one last a little longer than the first... she went to sleep without a binky but pretty much passed out drinking her bottle and there was not much I could do to keep her awake!