Friday, November 26, 2010


We have so much to be thankful for this year, but most of all we are thankful for Olivia. She bring us so much happiness every day and we can't imagine life without her!


Olivia in some of her cute outfits!

Snow day

Olivia saw snow for the first time the other day! She felt how cold it was and wasn't too happy about it! She did like running through it though. She wore some new snow pants and the beautiful sweater and hat my mom made her! She still needs some mittens that she will keep on.

Friday, November 5, 2010

13 months

I know I say it every month, but where does the time go? I tried to take pictures of busy little olivia on her birthday, but it was difficult! She wanted to get off the chair and run around and play! Here are her stats:

- you weigh 22 Lbs according to our scale

- you wear 12 month and 18 month clothes

- you eat 3 regular meals and some snacks with a bottle only at bedtime and morning time.

- you drink out of a straw sippy great!

- you love all fruits and hate eggs. You aren't a big fan of meat, but you will eat deli turkey and ham sometimes. You also love your cheese!

- you have 5 teeth now! 3 on bottom, 2 on top.

- still going to bed around 7 pm and waking up around 630 am although the last couple weeks you have either had a hard time going to sleep or woke up at some point after going to sleep!

- you love to play with martini and have him chase you or nibble on your hands. You laugh and laugh!

-your favorite toys right now are probably your ball pit, violet puppy, and your new stacking cups. You like when I stack them so you can knock them over!

- you used to love us brushing your teeth, but now you refuse unless you can do it yourself!

- you were a cupcake for halloween and super cute. You loved it when people would ring the doorbell. You laughed and screamed while running to the door to look outside!

- you still don't say many words, just a lot of mama, baba and ma for martini. Sometimes you say dada. You know how to get your point across by pointing though! You point at your bottle or anything else you want!

- you love to look at pictures. Every time I carry you out of your room you look at the pictures and point.

- you are still our busy active girl. You love to run around the house and get into things you shouldn't be! You climb in and out of the drawer under the stove, run to the laundry room to get into martinis water dish if the door is left open, and play in between the chairs under the dining room table.

- even when you are grumpy you are still the sweetest girl in the world and we wouldn't trade you for anything. We love you!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Olivia was the cutest little cupcake around this Halloween! We drove home most of the day from Seattle after visiting with johns parents and grandparents earlier in the day. It was a busy weekend for olivia so she was exhausted. Poor girl slept most of the way home. She was very happy to welcome all of the trick or treaters though! Every time the door rang, she would scream excitedly and run to the door. It was so cute! Dad and sandy came over to celebrate and have dinner with us too. Next year I th
ink we may go out trick or treating for a little while!

Happy halloween!


Grandpa went to be with the love of his life last week. I know he missed grandma so much and it makes me feel better knowing he is happy with her now. I wish Olivia could've met grandma because know she would've loved Olivia! Grandpa loved Olivia very much and always got a big smile on his face when he saw her. I know he was amazed by how quickly she grew and changed. Olivia was a tiny baby when they first met, and she was running around his place getting into everything the last time they saw each other a few weeks ago. What a difference year makes. Some of my favorites of grandpa:

We love you grandpa!

family photos

We had photos done by Amber again to celebrate Olivia being with us for 1 year now. What a difference a year makes!

We purchased the disc of photos, so if anyone wants copies- please let me know!