Thursday, April 29, 2010

7 months

Olivia you are growing up so fast and I think you have changed the most in the last month than you have in your little life so far! You are constantly discovering new things and surprising us with things you learn. Here are your 7 month stats:

- You weight 16 lbs 14 oz.

- You wear all 6 months clothes ( a few 3-6 and a few 6-9 months)

- You eat solids twice a day ( fruit & cereal for breakfast and a veggie for dinner), also we moved you up to the "level 2" solids which are thicker and you are doing much better at keeping them in your mouth!

- Speaking of food, you have liked pretty much everything you have tried so far but didn't like avocados too much and absolutely hated chicken! You gagged and sputtered trying to get it off your mouth. I used jarred, so next time I will make my own and grind it up and see if you like it better (maybe mix it with some veggies too)

- You have continued to sleep through the night (most nights other than a couple) which is SO nice!

- You are starting to get more on a nap schedule. So far you go down for your first nap at 9 am and sleep for 1.5- 2 hours. Your second (and third) nap is less predictable, but hopefully gets better with time!

- You have started crawling this month! It started with getting up on all fours and rocking, then taking a couple steps. Once you did that, you were able to crawl across the living room floor within 3 days! You still don't crawl all over, but you crawl quickly to something you want (and shouldn't have- like wires.)
- You continue to put yourself to sleep for naps and bedtime, which I think helps you sleep better and makes it easier for us if we are out running errands. Only bad thing is you don't like to cuddle too much anymore!

- You sit up completely on your own now for as long as you want. You can sit and play with toys, get down and crawl, and push yourself back up to sitting! Everything changed so quickly!

- You love to talk now when someone is rubbing your mouth to make a motorboat sound. Daddy taught this to you and you have tried to do it to yourself with your binky which is pretty funny. If you aren't sleepy or hungry, rubbing your mouth will make you talk every time!
- You are such a happy baby and sometimes you smile so bug you look like you may just explode with happiness. It is so cute.

- You still love to be thrown into the air. You laugh and shriek with excitement!

- You also still love to sneeze- you smile every time!

- We love you more than anything baby girl.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

6 days old

How much she has changed.... and how active she is now!!

ok glad I *finally* figured out a way to get videos on here. About freaking time!

talk talk talk


Ok I hope I did this right. This took me waaay to long to figure out and I honestly wanted to throw the computer out the window. ugh. Here it is!


so on Tuesday Olivia decided to crawl a a couple steps... 3 days later she crawled across the living room and back again! I got video of it (it is slow crawling and a little uncoordinated), so I will try to figure out how to upload it! She has also mastered pushing herself up to sitting from being on the ground! It's amazing how fast she is learning things. Now when we go in to get her out of her crib, she is sitting up staring at you. Crazy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

few more

Trying to get her to cheer up- she was not in the mood.

Her little toes. THAT was quite the task. You all know how busy she is with her feet.

family of 3... 6 months

These were taken yesterday in the neighborhood park by Jenny! It was luckily really nice out and we all wore some bright colors! Olivia wasn't really in the mood for it though, I think because she had just woken up from a nap and I forgot to bring anything to entertain her- whoops! Jenny still got some great pictures though! These are 2 of my favorites. There are more that I will try to post during Olivia's nap.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

more pictures

a couple more. John says he cannot wait for dinner so that is all I can post! This first one I did an effect and it looks sort of cheesy, but I like it! :) She was such a patient girl with me! If any of you want me to send you any of the photos let me know!

6 month photo shoot

Here are some photos from our little 6 month photo shoot I did with miss Olivia in her room today. The sun was shining so good I had to grab the opportunity. You are only 6 months old once! She did great and never fussed for a minute.

This one looked sort of vintage so I did edited it with a 1960's look.

mmm feet.

There are some more but I may not get a chance to put them up until later since I hear John is home... maybe if he takes a few minutes to put that trailer away....

more pictures

Some more photos over the past week. We got the little piano at a thrift store and Olivia seems to enjoy it!
Daddy showing her how to play

cuddles (briefly!) She is much too busy to sit and hug.

Pictures in her room yesterday

*So* close to crawling!

Her usual pose after crawling. She can sit like this for a long time!

And again.

Olivia and Brenna

Olivia had a play date on Monday with her friend Brenna! Here they are. Olivia 6 months, Brenna 7 months. It was so cute seeing them interact with each other now. When they first met they didn't even notice each other and now they like to reach out, touch, and play. Of course they also seemed to always want the same toy, but luckily they didn't really care too much! Brenna was a sharing friend though, giving Olivia her pacifier, which Olivia promptly put in her mouth!

Here is Olivia, like always, can't sit still.

and still can't...

and still can't... So much for getting their monthly head shot together!

They are both so good at sitting now!

Olivia likes to be on her tummy a little more that Brenna does.

Olivia rolled into Brenna's lap so Brenna decided to do her hair! So nice!

Anyway it was a fun day together and luckily Olivia goes down for her nap so easily now so it worked out good and Brenna was able to use the pack n play in the basement for a mid day nap too!

time is flying by

Some recent ones of Olivia

meeting George!

mmm Carrots.

Well Olivia has been doing SO good lately! It is like the light bulb finally clicked and she has been sleeping through the night for the past week and going down to naps and for bed at night on her own. I still like to rock her, but she almost won't fall asleep with me holding her. I think she prefers to play around in her crib a little while. I am currently watching her on the monitor and she has been playing in her crib for 15 minutes now quietly and finally put her head on her doll from farmor and is watching her glow seahorse. Looks like she is almost asleep :) She has also been napping better. I think once she learned to put herself to sleep made a HUGE difference. Also she is eating more solids now. We usually have a a little fruit and rice cereal in the morning and some veggies at night. So far she has eaten everything but did not like avocado. I thought it was so mild, but she made a terrible face and wouldn't eat it. Otherwise she has already tried and liked pears, bananas, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches and prunes (well she tolerated the prunes but didn't love them). I can't believe my baby is eating food now!
p.s. I already tentatively scheduled her 1 year photos with amber! She is the best so I wanted to make sure I got in with her!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Just had to update that not only did she put herself to sleep last night (with no crying), she slept 12 hours straight too! Then she also put herself to sleep today for her nap this morning with absolutely no crying also! My little girl is growing up!

Monday, April 5, 2010

half a year

Where did my baby go?