Thursday, September 8, 2011


This past weekend (labor day weekend) we went to Chelan to stay with John's grandparents at their condo in Chelan. The weather was absolutely perfect and the water in the lake was so clear! We had a wonderful time with grammy and grampy as Olivia calls them! Olivia was crazy about them. If either would walk out of the room- she would ask "where grammy go?" or vise versa. It was pretty cute!

The minute we got there, Audrey got some stickers out to put on the glass. Olivia loved "helping" put them on the glass!
The guys deep in conversation.
Pretty view from their condo.

Olivia playing with some ice a little while later.

After visiting for a few minutes, we decided to put on our swim suits and head down to the lake! Olivia liked the sand an the little waves! She also really liked the few ducks that were down there.

After a little while on the beach, we decided to go to the pool, where Olivia could really practice her swimming!

She just loves the pool!

While Olivia napped, the guys headed down to the lake for a little swimming and relaxing.

They stayed down there for quite a lot time talking! I'm glad they had some alone time to hang out.

Once Olivia woke up from her nap, there was only one place she wanted to be!

After dinner that night, we took Olivia to the condo area playground. It wasn't particularly made for her age kids, but she still liked it! Climbed everything in sight!
Olivia flying high, looking at the moon!

Family picture, sort of.

There we are!

Such a startled look!

Hanging out on the jungle gym with daddy.

Grampy doing "fly away peter, fly away Paul" Olivia was pretty entertained by this trick!

Helping grammy zip up her sweatshirt.

Excited to be wearing grammy's visor. Going for a walk Sunday morning.
I told Olivia we were going to the park the entire time we were on our walk, so I had to find a park to take her to so I wasn't a liar! We went to the elementary school and she was happy to play there for a little while! She is such a big girl climbing up the big wall!

Sunday afternoon we played a game while Olivia napped and then did some more swimming! John and I also took Olivia out for ice cream after swimming which was fun. Monday morning we had a nice breakfast together and Grampy showed Olivia how to suction cup a glass to her face. She didn't quite get it yet!

Then we headed to the park one last time before heading home. Olivia found a water bottle and was absolutely obsessed with filling it with rocks. She did use her shoe to fill it which we thought was quite inventive. No one showed her how, she just did it!
Grammy and Olivia swinging.
The guys went on a drive to look at a golf course while the girls stayed back. Olivia got a couple last popsicles eaten before we had to hit the road. She liked being "cozy" in her towel with grammy.

We had such a nice weekend I wish we could have stayed longer! Maybe next year... Olivia continues to say grammy and grampy are at the "lake". I know Olivia would like to go there more often and visit!

NICU park playdate

After driving 5 hours or so, we quickly changed and headed to the park for our playdate! Olivia was *so* excited to go to the "waterpark." She calls it the waterpark because of the splash pad. Every time we go there she gets more interested in the water. I didn't think she would actually get in the water as much as she did this time!

Here she is with her friend Brenna.

Some of my co-workers cute kids & babies...

Jake was pretty new and many people hadn't met him yet so he was definitely the star of the playdate! The girls seemed to gravitate towards him.

How cute are those feet?!

He is just the cutest! And Olivia was running around everywhere while I was trying to get a few pictures. I am glad she is getting more and more interested in the splash pad! Now she just puts her face in it like it's nothing!

Dancing with Brenna
And more time in the water.

Drinking from the "rainbow".

We had so much fun but I was completely exhausted after chasing Olivia around for 2 hours and trying to visit a little with friends! Olivia took a nice long nap after all that running around!


We left Ballard early on Saturday to drive over to Vashon. We met my mom in the park so Olivia could play for a while after being in the car for so long. Madeline drove over with us since she spent the night in Ballard after we watched Glee. Madeline and Olivia are such good friends! Olivia just adores her! I wish Madeline was around all the time, she is so good with Olivia.

Julie came over to the island with Nick a little later in the day. After thrift store shopping, we walked down to the beach!

Nick found a jellyfish!

"Look a shell"
Best friends.

Beach tire swing. Everyone tried it out!

Olivia and her daddy

Olivia loves to be very close to you when you have a treat! Here she is sharing John's ice cream.

The next morning we went out to breakfast with my mom. Olivia was showing her "excited" face! The bike in the tree.

Then we went to where are the exercise bikes are along the beach. Olivia found one her size!
Exercising next to grandma.

After that, we went to a park that Olivia loved! It was a really nice, new park that had squishy padding on the ground instead of bark or rocks.

Well, that was pretty much our trip! We went back to Ballard Sunday afternoon to have dinner with John's family and then left early Monday morning so I could be back to town for a work playdate I had planned. We definitely had a busy but fun weekend!