Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by! I will be 30 weeks tomorrow. Yikes. That means only 8-10 more weeks until she is here! I forgot to update the blog with this, but I'm sure everyone knows from me telling them- I did pass my 3 hour blood glucose test. I still am going to watch my carb intake a little more though just because I didn't pass the 1 hour and it seems like the smart thing to do. I need to eat better anyway!

Weeks 29-32 (Month 7): Squash

Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

I can't say I've really noticed too much of a pattern yet with Olivia. I can feel her off and on throughout the day. Sometimes she is more active at times with harder kicks and sometimes it's more like her stretching in there. I'm sure it's getting tighter in there for her!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I wasn't to happy when John and Martini woke me up at 5 am this morning (on accident of course.) After John left for work I happened to look at my work schedule and realized I'm supposed to be in class all day today! I'm glad I looked at it, otherwise I would've missed a class I've been waiting to take for months and not have work tonight! Anyway I have to get going in a couple minutes, but I wanted to post a couple updates before I left.

We had the maternity session with our photographer last night at Gonzaga. She was SUPER nice and had a lot of cool ideas. I think some pf the pictures are going to come out looking really good! John was in quite a few of them and she even took a few of me and Jenny and had Jenny take some all by herself! That was pretty cool! She showed us one picture she took at the end of our time together of me by the river and the sun reflecting off the river. It looked really cool in the little screen on her camera so I'm excited to see them all edited up! I think there will be some really cute ones of John and I together too.

I also mentioned finding bedding last night. Well this morning I found the best deal out of all the Internet sites. The lowest prince plus no tax and free shipping! I think this bedding will get my nursery finally pulled together. Now I am going to look on etsy sometime for a wall decal with either a tree or a branch with birds. I think it will look really cute! Here is the bedding: sorry it is so huge, but at least you can see the detail of the bedding! :) Ugh I just realized I forgot to order the mobile...

Monday, July 27, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I guess I've been a combination of busy, and having nothing to say. In about an hour I'm heading out to take my maternity photos! I have a couple outfits and we are doing them outdoors. I'm excited to see what ideas the photographer has and how they turn out! According to her website they should be online in a couple of weeks and then people can purchase photos on there. I'm pretty sure I won't be buying the cd of these photos unless I love all of them. We will see!

Also, I found some really cute bedding online today that I am thinking of getting. Leave it to me to have 2 totally different bedding ideas. I am going to wait to show John and see what he thinks. I never saw this one before and it is pretty affordable! I will post a picture later.

Nothing much else going on here.... We measured all the windows for the blinds. Now we just have to take the big step and order them. We are just a little hesitant to order ALL of them right now since the bill will be over $2000. There are SO many things to buy with a new house and a new baby on the way! We know though once we get everything for the house it should all be good for a while!

Hope everyone is doing good!

Monday, July 20, 2009

dr appt. 28 weeks

I just had my monthly check-up at the doctor today. I had gone and done my blood sugar test Friday morning before we left for Chelan and was hoping I passed since I heard the 3 hours test is miserable. Anyway I found out today that I didn't pass. :( My blood sugar was higher than they would like it to be so I have to go in tomorrow and take another test where I can't eat after midnight and I can't eat at all during the test. Something that takes 3-4 hours. Everyone I have talked to said it is absolutely awful. UGH. Also my labwork showed that I'm slightly anemic so I have to start on iron supplements. My weight is still good and right in the range I should be, so I'm happy about that. Also my blood pressure was good at this appt (and has been every time I check it at home). I am measuring big though, I guess more like 31 weeks so I'm nervous about having a huge baby! I am going to get an ultrasound at 32 weeks so they can kind of guess how big she will be. So I guess it wasn't a great appointment but it could have been worse. She said if I fail the 3 hour glucose test I will have to go on a modified diabetic diet and start taking my blood sugar with a glucometer. I'm hoping I don't fail that one, but I'm not getting my hopes up either. She wants my blood sugar around 135 and mine was somewhere in the 150's- so not good! I think I am going to try and research and see what I should and shouldn't be eating and just try to start eating that way anyway. Also my appointments are going to be every 2 weeks for the next 4 appointments now. I can't believe I'm already in the 3rd trimester! I still don't feel ready for this baby, I need to get a move on!

Oh and here is what the glucose tests are tesing for:

What is gestational diabetes?
This is a type of diabetes that some women develop during pregnancy. Between 2 and 7 percent of expectant mothers develop this condition, making it one of the most common health problems of pregnancy.When you eat, your digestive system breaks most of your food down into a type of sugar called glucose. The glucose enters your bloodstream and then — with the help of insulin, a hormone made by your pancreas — provides fuel for the cells of your body. Like the type 1 and type 2 diabetes you can get when you're not pregnant, gestational diabetes causes the glucose to stay in your blood instead of moving into your cells and getting converted to energy. Why does this sometimes happen when you're pregnant?During pregnancy, your hormones make it tougher for your body to use insulin, so your pancreas needs to produce more of it. For most moms-to be, this isn't a problem: As your need for insulin increases, your pancreas dutifully secretes more of it. But when a woman's pancreas can't keep up with the insulin demand and her blood glucose levels get too high, the result is gestational diabetes.Most women with gestational diabetes don't remain diabetic once the baby is born. Once you've had it, though, you're at higher risk for getting it again during a future pregnancy and for becoming diabetic later in life.

6th anniversary 7-19

I can't believe how time flies! John and I have now been married for 6 years. It doesn't seem like that long ago that we were just moving here and starting our life together. We have accomplished a lot though I think in this time. Bought 2 houses, 2 cars, 3 dogs, and I got another degree and I think 4 jobs!?!? Hopefully I stick with this one! :) And now we will have a new member of the family very soon. We are both very excited to see how our lives change! Anyway to celebrate we thought it would be fun to go to Chelan with John's grandparents for the weekend. It was fun to just get out of town and be by the water. John's cousin Ryan also came. The weather was great so it was nice to have a pool and a lake to jump in! On Saturday we got up at 3:30 (I don't know if I want to do that again for fishing!) so that we could get the boat launched early. Here is a picture of the water when we started fishing:
Not too light out yet! We ended up being on the water for 3 hours or so and not even getting a bite! I think the most exciting thing was catching bottom a couple times. At least we didn't lose any gear.

After fishing and breakfast John and I headed out to walk around town. Here is a picture I asked someone to take of us by the water in downtown Chelan:You can really see how big I'm getting in that one!

That afternoon we went swimming for a while in the lake and in the pool. The lake is SO cold. It took me a while to get used to it! The pool was much more comfortable. After swimming we took a walk and sat on a bench near the water. Here is us sitting, sorry I look like a drowned rat.

and one of the view from the bench we were sitting at:

John's grandparents then took us out Saturday night to Campbells for dinner to celebrate our anniversary. It was really nice and good food! Here is us before we left. Sorry it looks like I'm grabbing myself, I think the wind was blowing and I was trying to keep my dress down! (It was SUPER windy that afternoon! Actually one jet ski broke loose from it's buoy.)

Anyway we had a nice drive home yesterday afternoon and just took our time. It was fun to get out of town and now we are back to normal life! I just spoke with John and he is probably working really late tonight to make up for all the missed work on Friday! I hope I get to see him at some point tonight. I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

not much time

Well I don't have much time, because I need to leave for work in a few minutes to take a class on drugs in pregnancy. I hope its really informational! It,s amazing what some moms take without any regard for their unborn babies or what those babies will go through once their born. Anyway, that's not the topic today. John and I went to a natural childbirth class for 2 hours last night. Not exactly what I was hoping for. It was basically different positions to make contractions and pushing more comfortable. Also we had to watch a 15 minute video of different women going through contractions. UGH. One woman was actually yodeling. YIKES! I think if I started doing that I would want the epidural just so I wouldn't embarrass myself! Anyway I guess I'm glad I did it. I don't think John realizes how painful it is going to be or what childbirth is really like. He said something about the women in the video being naked when giving birth. I told him its not like you are wearing clothes... I don't think he was thinking when he made that statement! I told him he has to stop making comments though before he makes me feel really self conscious. I think I will make myself self conscious about it without him help!
Oh on another note we got our mattress yesterday so our crib looks more complete! We ran out to walmart after class and I got a pink sheet to make it look more complete. I'm still trying to figure out bedding.... Well I'm off!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

new couch!

John and I spent the day running errands and shopping around. We stopped by costco to look at cameras since we would like to have a nicer digital when Olivia is here. A sectional caught my eye from across the aisle and the price was right! We have been wanting a couch but they are either too expensive or not very attractive. This one was nice looking and a deal. We really liked a more expensive one downtown, but we figured if we got a cheaper couch we wouldn't care as much when it got dirty/ spit up on it (because you know that's bound to happen!) It was also nice since they were right there, no waiting 4 weeks for the couch to be delivered! John picked it up in the trailer and our neighbor helped him carry the pieces inside. These pictures aren't the greatest, but here it it! It seems like it will hold a lot of people and its a soft material, almost like velvet. We want to dress it up with some colorful pillows eventually.


Now that we have the crib and dresser, I need to work on decorating the nursery more. I'm still not entirely sure about the bedding, but I know I need to dress up the room a bit more. I really don't want to paint the room, espcially since we just bought the house and I don't think she will be in it forever with bigger rooms downstairs. I also think I would somehow get paint where paint shouldn'tbe.... The room does need to color though, and I think I've found what I want to do. Here is the wall decal I found on etsy. I showed it to John and he said he really like it a lot. I would have the tree next to the crib since there will be space 0n the side and the little flowers blowing over it. What do you think?
You can have it made in whatever colors you want but I really like these specific colors. It also kind of reminds me of our wedding invitation! Its big, I think 6 feet high. I think it would do the job of adding some nice color to the room! The other nice thing is once you are done with it, you can peel it off!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

and the dresser

Last night John worked on the dresser. It took a lot longer than the crib, there were a ton more pieces and the instructions weren't the greatest! Here are a couple pictures of John putting it together, looking at the instructions and the finished product! The knobs on it are really plain, I think I may put on pink glass knobs. That would really dress it up!

And here is Martini and Olivia:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We got the call on Monday that our crib was ready to be picked up. So yesterday evening after John got off work we headed up to JCPenny in the van (klassy) and got the crib, dresser and conversion rails that I had ordered! Here are the pieces all laid out in the living room, the "before."

It really didn't take long, and John and I worked on it together. Of course John did most of it, but I helped him figure out what bolts went where since the directions weren't incredibly precise.

This next pic is with the flash off. The color is antique white, so more of a muted white, but I wouldn't say it's off white.

Above the flash is on. You can see the crib more clearly. It really is everything we wanted in a crib. It looks like a nice piece of furniture with no exposed bolts on the front. I LOVE it. John said he loved it too, and said I did a good job of getting what he wanted (something with curves and higher in the back) It doesn't have a drop side front since I've read that those aren't the safest anymore. Also, most cribs aren't really made that way anymore. The only thing I was concerned about was being able to reach over the front. That doesn't seem like it will be an issue. Right now it is set for the matress to be on the highest setting, and I can easily reach the springs.

So now we just have the dresser to put together. I'm guessing we will work on that tonight. I'm supposed to work, but a co-worker told me I am probably getting a mandatory night off tonight due to low census. I knew I was up soon for one. I don't mind a night off once in a while! I think my last one was in January, so not too bad. Once we get the dresser together I will take more pictures and post them. It is finally starting to look and feel more like a nursery!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I love hummingbirds. I am so used to them being around since I was little, we have them non-stop on Vashon. In order to lure some hummingbirds in, we bought a hummingbird feeder to stick on to the glass wall on the deck. We saw a hummingbirds every once in a while, but it didn't seem to be working! My mom said that they like feeders where they can rest for a bit, and gave us this saucer shaped one. We quickly hung it on a hanger in the yard with new food in it where we could easily see it from the living room.

I think I've seen a couple hummingbirds a day, so we are getting more traffic. It seems like this morning one hummingbird has adopted this feeder as his! Every time I look over he is back for more. He even had a little battle with another hummer that tried to get some food. He seems to like a little bush right by the feeder too that he will rest on and find nectar in the little flowers. I got a couple pictures of him. He flew away when I first walked up to the window, but I waited for him and sure enough he was back for more within a minute or two!

That's our guy always coming back for more! It seems like he is always there this morning. I hope he makes our feeder a habit!