Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nursery theme?

While Jenny and I were out shopping yesterday, I suddenly thought of a nursery "theme." She made me the cutest blanket with this great fabric:

It's all the colors I really like- not too pink and girly. It got me thinking, how about a fruit theme? It is fitting too since I have been liking fruit like crazy lately. I am not going to overboard or anything, but maybe a fruit decal or two for the walls... thats all I can really think of right now. I think I might just get plain colored sheet sets for the bed since I have the blanket Jenny made and Amanda and I have fabric for a quilt we are going to try to make together too. I tried to look up ideas for fruit themed nurseries on the internet and found nothing. So maybe I am the first one to think of such a great idea? :)

Here is a cute decal on etsy that you can get made into different sizes. I think I would like it in red (it is shown on a fridge)

I feel a little behind in the nursery decorating area. Girls at work seem to have things picked out of what they want, and other blogs I read have things bought and set up! Olivia's room is still pretty messy with her clothes around the room- yikes! Hopefully we will get it goether one of these days. We also don't even have furniture picked out. I found a crib online that John really liked. He said he likes the ones that are taller in the back.

Something like this:

or this:

I really like the first one, but I don't think it's sold anywhere. I'm not even sure how I found a picture of it. Anyway, this is the sort of style crib we are looking for, but nothing has really jumped out at me yet as being "the one." Hopefully we find something sooner than later though!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dr. appt. 20 weeks

I had my 4 week check-up with the doctor this afternoon. John didn't come because he was busy working. Unfortunately my dr. was held up at a delivery and my appointment ended up being almost an hour late! That was ok though, because the nurse took my blood presure, which was FINALLY good. I also had only gained 1 lb a week the last 4 weeks and I got to listed to Olivia's heartbeat! It was a strong 154 beats/minute. Its always been around that. The doctor came in and said everything looked perfect. I had also been recording my blood presures at home and she said they looked great. She wrote down an average for all of them. She said everything at the ultrasound looked perfect and no further ultrasounds were recommended, but she always schedules one at 32 weeks to see how big the baby is getting. So I will be able to look forward to getting that in a few months! Also they finally got the lab results for CMV and I wasn't immune to it, but I hadn't contracted it in the NICU either. That is a virus that is very bad for women to get when they are pregnant and can cause abnormalities with the babies. I thought that one of our babies at work had it that I was in a room with, so I got tested for it just in case. So I just have to make sure to be careful when being in contact with the babies, especially if they have anything funky going on.

Anyway I will have another check-up in 4 weeks with a nurse practitioner because my doctor will be on vacation. I haven't scheduled it yet because I didn't have my June schedule with me and by the time I got home the office was closed! I think it will be the week of June 19th though.


Today is John's birthday. Last year of his 20's! I can't believe we will have know eachother/been together for all of our 20's. I am so lucky to have John as a husband, he really couldn't get any better (most days ha ha). For instance he never leaves the seat up on the toilet seat and ALWAYS makes the bed before he goes to work so I come home in the morning to a freshly made bed to sleep in after working all night! I can't say I do the same for him... but I try! He is also so good at doing things around the house and taking care of the dogs. He is going to be a great dad!

So, since we had store bought cake last week with John's family, I figured I would try making something for him since I have the day off. I found a recipe for maple bar cake, and thought it sounded good since that happens to be his favorite donut. Well, it didn't go as smoothly as I would have hoped. The cake took way longer to cook than instruction said, and the icing was supposed to be poured on while it was still hot. Oh and I didn't add as much butter to the frosting recipe as it called for. (The intructions were screwed up) It wasn't the prettiest cake ever, but I dressed it up with a little white icing and candy and it does look quite a bit better. I just hope it tastes ok! Here is a couple pictures of it:

You can see how the maple frosting is pretty uneven over the cake. I think it had gotten too hard in the pot waiting for the cake to finish!

Happy birthday John! I love you!

p.s. The Happy birthday pic is actually a card from an etsy seller!

She's getting big!

Week 20: Cantaloupe

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

I'm starting to feel her move more and more. I seem to notice her a lot more when I am sitting down, or have my legs bent. I have a dr. appt this afternoon which should be good. She will have the entire ultrasound report, so she should let us know for sure that everything looks good! John can't come because he has a big job today and has to be home in time for his birthday dinner! I'll post here how everything goes!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have errands to run today. Tomorrow is John's birthday and I still have nothing but a card for him! I know he wouldn't mind getting just the card. He already told me he doesn't want anything.. I think he gets less and less excited about his birthday every year. It's just not a big deal to him anymore. I still love my birthday! So I think I will head up to target today and find a few little gifts to give him. Nothing special, just maybe something to open. Oh and I want to make a cake too. I found a recipe for maple bar cake that looks interesting. That is his favorite kind of donut, so maybe a cake that tastes like it will be good? Anyway, hope everyone has a good day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have become a little obsessed with fruit since I became pregnant. Especially oranges. They are becoming hard to find good ones though! Jenny and I went to costco last night and I saw the most perfect strawberries. I had to get them. There are a TON of them, but I'm determined to eat them all! I tried some as soon as I got home, and they taste as good as they look! John had a couple and said they were the best strawberries he's had this year! So if any of you want some good strawberries, head to costco!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Here are the results from the ultrasound. Little Olivia is right on track to make her arrival on October 8th!

Pink or Blue?

Today is the big day! I just got home from work so I have to go get some breakfast and try to sleep for a couple hours. I will be sure to post the results here- pink or blue!
p.s.- you like the pic? ha ha

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Count down!

Starting to count down the hours until the big ultrasound! I'll be sure to let everyone know ASAP! I'll also post what we find out on here. :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy mom's day!!

Today is Mother's day- my first. I had to remind John a few times that the day was coming up!! This morning I woke up and John had wrapped a present for me and gotten me a card. The card was really cute and I unwrapped a present- he got me a snoogle! I had told him about it, and that someone from work had said it was the best thing they bought when they were pregnant. I totally forgot I mentioned it to him, so I was really surprised and happy he bough one for me! I've already tried it out and it does seem really comfortable.
Here is a description and a couple pictures of it:

The patented Snoogle by Leachco is a full-body solution for expectant moms that replaces the arsenal of pillows you otherwise have to use to get comfy. The Snoogle supports your back to prevent sciatica and lower back pain, tucks between your knees for help with back pain and temperature control, cradles your tummy, and props up your head to aid in breathing and help prevent heartburn and other pregnancy pitfalls.
The Snoogle is made from polyester and comes with a custom pillow you can remove for washing. The Leachco body pillow helps mom wake up refreshed and invigorated--and after baby is born, it is just right to support mother and child for nursing.

John is currently making breakfast- bacon and swedish pancakes- yum! After that I think we are going to go for a walk with the dogs along the river. We haven't been able to lately with either working schedules or the weather, but today is all sunshine!

So Happy Mother's Day to my Mom who is awesome and all the other moms out there! I hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Good News!

The doctor office called and all my labwork came back totally normal as far as the risk for developmental issues goes- Downs, etc. Yay!

Also when I woke up from sleeping today I'm almost certain I felt the baby kick! Then I sat there, and I felt it a few seconds later again! I guess I will probably start feeling it more often now. After all, it is currently the size of a sweet potato!

Week 18: Sweet Potato

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

All I want is a ham sandwich....

Is it safe to eat deli meats when I'm pregnant?
Expert Answers
Lindsay L. Whitcomb, CIRS

It's not safe for pregnant women to eat deli meats (such as ham, turkey, salami, and bologna) or hot dogs unless the food has been thoroughly heated and is steaming hot. These foods can cause a form of food poisoning called listeriosis.
Listeriosis is caused by a type of bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes. Heating deli meats until steaming hot will kill the bacteria if it's present.
Listeriosis is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Most people don't get sick when they eat food contaminated with listeria. But healthy pregnant women are more likely than other healthy adults to get listeriosis and are more likely to become dangerously ill from it.
The flu-like symptoms of listeriosis can sometimes advance to potentially life-threatening meningitis (infection of the membranes covering the brain, with symptoms such as severe headache and stiff neck) and blood infection. Contact your healthcare provider if you're pregnant and you develop any of these symptoms.

Larry Pickering, infectious disease specialist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

It's not safe to eat precooked meats such as deli meats, hot dogs, and pâté when you're pregnant unless they're heated until steaming hot. Pregnant women are about 20 times more likely than other healthy adults to get listeriosis, and newborns – not moms – suffer the most serious effects of infection during pregnancy.
Listeria can cross the placental barrier or, more commonly, be transmitted in the birth canal, and it can be devastating for the baby. Every year or so, an outbreak occurs in which miscarriage, preterm delivery, or death occurs because pregnant women ate deli meat or hot dogs contaminated with listeria.
Contamination may result from improper handling, or the bacteria may already be present in the meat. But whatever the reason, unlike other bacteria, listeria grows well at refrigerator temperatures. So while we think we're being safe by putting cold cuts in the refrigerator, this germ outsmarts us.
You should avoid getting fluid from packages of hot dogs and other meats on other foods, utensils, or food preparation areas, and be sure to wash your hands after handling hot dogs or deli meats. Listeria is also a problem in unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses, and uncooked poultry. While you're pregnant, you should stay away from cheese made from unpasteurized milk.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I'm really trying to get better about making meals at home and not having to go the grocery store 50 million times a week. Anyway I am trying to think of meal ideas for a couple weeks. I need them to be easy- especially the nights I work. I don't have much time to cook! Do any of you have some easy good recipes to share? Here is one from my mom that I am making tonight.

Baked Chicken

1 cup rice
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can water
1 cup milk
1 chicken (or chicken breasts)

Lay in order in a large flat buttered pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour, 20 minutes uncovered.

Easy, quick, and tastes good!

random pictures

Here are some old pictures I had from my old camera

Us the week after we were married.


The kids the 1st summer at our 1st house

Madeline's birthday

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You know

You know you are a NICU nurse when…

1. You’ve eaten hamburger patties bigger than most of your patients

2. You define colors by the color of stool you’ve seen- i.e. baby poop green/yellow

3. You don’t understand why talking about sticking a needle in a baby’s head is making other people at the dinner table ill

4. At one time or another have had breast milk, poop or urine on your work clothes

5. You have affectionately called a patient cletus the fetus, wimpy white boy, troll or FLK (funny lookin’ kid) in report

6. You can change your patient’s bed linens with one hand while holding your patient in the other

7. You can make an IV arm board out of some 4x4 gauze and tape

8. You’ve almost caught your hair on fire while in your patient’s bed…a.k.a. radiant warmer

9. You’ve used a sock or a piece of tape for a restraint

10. You check out the scalp veins, cap refill and fontanels on a friend’s new baby

11. You use a cotton ball to obtain urine samples

12. You use saran wrap to keep your food fresh and your patient’s warm

13. You think all crying babies need benadryl, versed or intubation

14. You think the pulse oximeter, CPAP and those crappy no sticking leads were created by the devil

15. You have ever shown a doctor a green residual while they were eating

16. You have obtained a 10cc residual when the patient only gets 1cc17. You have put an intensive care patient in a swing

18. You don’t get excited if your patient has a heart rate of 180

19. You do chest compressions with two fingers

20. Most of your meds come in TB/1cc syringes

21. You prepare your patient’s bath water in a Dixie cup

22. You draw blood from your patient’s heel

23. You use a rubber band for a tourniquet

24. You’ve seen two complexes on EKG screen and not been excited-you merely pat your patient on the butt and it’s all good

25. Newborn babies look like preschoolers to you

26. You tell people what you do and they think you sit around and rock babies all day

27. When you tell people what you really do they start to cry and/or vomit

28. You have assisted with surgery on your patient in their bed and on the unit

29. You have at one time or another in the heat of frustration threatened to throw your patient in the trash can

30. You have considered using duct tape to hold a pacifier in a screaming baby’s mouth

31. You have met your patient’s father, mother’s boyfriend, and husband all in one day

32. You have made a mental note that no matter how stupid people are they still know how to get their groove on

33. And lastly…You know you’re a NICU nurse if you’ve read 1-32 and have laughed your ass off

Friday, May 1, 2009


Here is an internet prediction I got about my baby's delivery:

The day you deliver, outside will be shiny. Your baby will arrive in the evening. After a labor lasting approximately 16 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have medium blue eyes and a little patch of blonde hair.

Sound like a cute baby! I wouldn't be sad if this were to come true. Especially the size- I don't think I could do a 10lb baby. They especially seem huge after all the tiny ones I see at work!