Sweet little Olivia you are 4 months old today. I can't believe how fast time flies- I think I write about that so often! It really does go by so quick, but I am so thankful I was able to have almost 4 months home with you so we could get to know each other. Here are some little things about you now that you are 4 months!
*You still wear size 2 pampers diapers
*You are sleeping in your crib now for naps and at night! Usually we get a 6 hour stretch from you at night (last night you slept 7 hours for daddy while mommy went back to work for her 1st 12 hour shift since you were born!)
*You get cuter and sweeter every day
*You smile so easily and are such a happy baby!
*You wear carters size 3 month clothes and some 3-6 month clothes
*Aunt Jenny weighed you and she said you were 14lb 6oz today (your official weight will come at your appt on Thursday!)
*You still love your binky, but usually only when you are going to sleep.
*You have started playing with your binky- grabbing it out of your mouth or popping it out and trying to suck it back in!
*You roll from your back to your belly like crazy now! You still haven't rolled belly to back again after your first time. You almost always roll to your right.
*You still need to be swaddled and seem to do really good in your miracle blanket swaddle!
*You don't have a set amount of milk/formula you eat, but usually you take around 3 or 4 oz.
*You are really loving your voice and like to make long drawn out sounds.
*You still love your baths!
*You have a hard time falling asleep in your carseat now which makes running errands a bit harder lately!
*You have discovered the toys on your jumparoo and like to spend a little more time in it.
*I missed work, but now I go to work and miss you!
* You really notice your surrounding more and follow people around the room- and Martini!
* You started giggling when daddy tickles your face with your toes!
*You LOVE your hands, I thinkt hey are your favorite toy!
*You are still drooling but I think a little less than last month. Your tongue is always doing crazy things though! I swear sometimes youa re trying to lick your nose!
* We love you so much and can't imagine life without you!
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