Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A few pictures

Here are a few I took with my phone! I took some with the nice camera too but wanted to get some up. :)
I didn't know how Olivia would react to trick or treating, but she got into it right away! She immediately ran up to the doors, rang the doorbell if she could reach it, and most times said trick or treat! She ran from house to house and even tried to just walk into one house she was so excited! It was so cute and so fun to see! We just made a quick walk around the block, but she got plenty of candy. Then we went to a little Halloween carnival. They took her picture, she made a bookmark and they had little games and candy. She played a bowling game and a fishing game. There were a lot of kids there! I don't know if we will be back next year, most the games where a little advanced for her.
Happy Halloween!