Thursday, September 8, 2011

Seatle-Vashon 2011 FRIDAY

I am going to break up these posts because there are so may pictures I want to share of our 4 day trip to Seattle and Vashon a couple weeks ago! We had a lot of fun spending time with family and chasing Olivia around wherever we went! All of these pictures are from Friday. We arrived to town late Thursday so we could have the full day visiting relatives Friday. Ava came over before we left Friday morning and Olivia loved her!

Olivia of course also loved running up and down the street smelling flowers and looking at the pinwheels in gardens. She did stop for a little while to hold her farfar's hand!

Then we stopped at John's grandparents (grammy and grampy to Olivia) house on our way up to Marie's new house. This was the best shot I could get, Olivia is a bit too busy to stop for pictures!

She briefly rested on the swinging bench.

and held grammys hand for a walk on the deck.

But this was her most of the time we were there! Running, running, running.

Then we drove up to Marie's house in Lake Stevens. Olivia did some more running at her house! Running around the yard!

Marie and Olivia.

We spent a couple hours with Marie and Mike having lunch and then walking around their mall. On the way home to Ballard we stopped at the beach. It has changed a lot with a new play area and of course about 10 times more people than when we lived there! Olivia loved the beach most of all! Here she is trying to take her clothes off to get in the water.

and throwing sand.

Me and my girl.

After that, we met up with Julie and the kids for dinner, and then I took Madeline to the Glee movie. We had a lot of fun, but such a busy day!! Tomorrow we head to Vashon.