Sweet baby girl, you are 11 months old. Time is flying by and you will be 1 years old in 1 short month! I have been planning your birthday for the past months or so and I hope you like it!
11 month info:
-You are 20 lbs even
-You wear size 3 diapers
-You wear 9 month and 12 month clothing.
-You have 2 bottom teeth! You have your own toothbrush and toothpaste now, so we brush your teeth every night.
-You just started taking steps this last month. You started with one, an I think you have done 10 or so. You get so excited most times and try to run. I think you would do a bit better if you walked more slow!
-You still sleep through the night and go down so easy for sleeping (both naps and night time)
-You take 2 naps a day. You usually go down around 0830 for your first one, and sleep 1-2 hours. Usually your second nap is around 1pm and for an hour or so. Bedtime is usually around 7pm! You normally wake up around 6 but play quietly in your crib until 0630 or so. You are such a good girl!
-You love to eat. Recently you ate so many blueberries from Chelan, I think it upset your tummy a little, so we have to slow down on those! You also love cheese, bread, chicken nuggets, ham, peaches, mango, bananas, crackers.... Those are just some of your favorites. You still aren't a big fan of meats for the most part. You also like to feed Martini when you are done eating.
-You have been saying mama a lot lately, but no other noticeable words.
-You still crawl super fast and try to get into everything! We have to keep a close eye on you. When you get going somewhere you shouldn't you usually squeel with happiness so that is a good clue you are doing something naughty!
-Your hair has gotten so long and light, and is getting curly in the back!
-You are still the happiest baby girl I have every seen! You are always smiling and laughing and are so fun to be around. Many people can't believe what a happy girl you are! You are so easy to take care of and we love you more and more every day.
We love you baby girl!
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