Thursday, June 17, 2010

work work work!

Sorry I haven't updated- been working like crazy! I worked through my 2 day stretch off so I will have worked 8 nights in a row after tomorrow night! Luckily I have a great assignment otherwise I would never make it through!

John's parent are in town to watch Olivia and that has been really nice! Luckily they have a flexible schedule and can help out whenever Dad and Sandy are unable to. We are so thankful that Olivia does not have to go to daycare!

Anyway, Olivia is doing great as always. A happy girl, sleeping through the night, usually eating 3 meals a day and pretty good at napping... Crawling SUPER fast and standing (then walking) on everything! She is so fun to be around just to see her expressions and watch what she does next. She has been making some really funny faces lately! I will try to get some on camera when I get a chance.

Well, I am at work on my 7th night so only 1 more to go and then hopefully I can update this blog a little better! Hope everyone is doing good!