Sorry I don't have any new pictures to post. I've taken a few but haven't had the time to upload them. There is nothing much new around here. The days seem to run together with the same old thing, especially since John hasn't had a day off since we got back from Seattle. This has been tough since I look forward to those days being able to share the responsibility of Olivia. I'm sure it is exhausting for John too, in a different way. Hopefully he will have this weekend off since I only have a little over 2 weeks before I go back to work. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by! It will be fun to see all my co-workers, but I think challenging to get back into the swing of working and night shift!
As far as Olivia goes, she still loves jumping in her jumparoo and is getting longer! You can tell by how much her legs bend when jumping on her box. It will be nice when she can actually reach the floor! She also seems like she can *almost* roll from her back to her tummy. She hasn't done this yet, but she rolls onto her side fairly quickly, just hasn't done that extra bit to completely roll over. She also hasn't rolled again from her tummy to her back. I need to do more tummy time with her. Some days she enjoys it longer than others, and I don't like it when she starts to get upset, so I roll her back onto her back when she does that. We also tried having her sleep in her crib last night, but she was back to waking up every hour or more so after we were up 6 times before 11pm, she went back into her carseat. There she slept a little better, but still not great. She sure is a happy wonderful baby most of the time, but not blessed in the sleeping department that is for sure!
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