Monday, August 10, 2009


I just woke up from sleeping for the day. I worked last night, pretty uneventful. I did have 2 of the cutest babies in the unit in my opinion! Twin boys, 3 and 4lbs each. Olivia was kicking like crazy when I woke up yesterday morning (at 6 am on a Sunday!). Will she be an early bird like me and John? After about an hour of it she gave herself the hiccups pretty hard core. John got to feel her moving and kicking a lot then he got to feel her hiccups! I don't think he had felt that yet. She didn't settle down until I got out of bed and took a shower. She was also moving a lot last night at work, and when I woke up at 3:30 pm today. It seems like me getting out of bed and walking around is the only thing that calms her down. When she was kicking yesterday I felt her on both side of my belly at the same time. I hope she isn't lying transverse. She better get into the correct position soon if she isn't already! Thursday is going to be a lot of fun!

There are so many fun things this week. My bedding is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. I think when we put that in the nursery will pretty much be complete. All I would have left is getting some sort of decal for the wall. I wanted to wait and get the bedding to make sure I loved it! We already have the closet set up and decided to just put the ikea chair in there as our "rocking" chair. Then on Thursday of course we have the 32 week ultrasound and this weekend my first baby shower here in Spokane! I'm also excited because I will get to see some family from out of town that I don't see very often. My cousin Brandon who lives in Florida just happens to be coming the same weekend!

Well, I hope everyone has a good week! I am supposed to work 4 nights in a row starting yesterday but I'm hoping to get Wednesday off since we are overstaffed. My assignment at work really isn't bad, but it is hard to work 4 12 hour night shifts in a row. Especially hard when 7 months pregnant and I swear none of the chairs are comfortable anymore!