Monday, July 25, 2011

on the farm

Olivia and I went down to the Pullman area ( a little over an hour away) to visit Brenna in her new home and her new baby sister! Kaylee is about 6 weeks old now though... so not exactly new, but still cute and tiny! They moved down there to be close to Joel's family and so he could work on the farm. It is SUCH a pretty area and a nice drive on a sunny day! Olivia had a wonderful time, I hope we do it again soon!

The gorgeous view out front their house!
Playing nicely on all of Brenna's fun toys!

They loved the water table.

Olivia liked this little shopping cart!

Looking for the horse

Sweet happy Kaylee!

It really was such a fun morning and the perfect amount of time! We got down there around 10 am and left a little after 1 pm. Kailub made us a nice lunch and after that we headed home! Olivia slept the whole way home and was so happy all day!

Anniversary weekend

I am a bit behind as usual, but John and I had a great weekend away in Sandpoint Idaho for our anniversary- 8 years!! I can't believe we have been married 8 years and together for almost 14 years. Crazy! Anyway it was fun to enjoy a nice meal taking our time, and to go to a movie! John sort of surprised me with the weekend- planning where we were staying on his own. He reserved the weekend at dover bay resort, where we had our own little cute cabin!

The inside had a little couch, table, chair, flat screen tv, bed, bathroom, and even a little kitchen!
My girly drink at our nice dinner out on Saturday night. There was a singer and a pianist playing on the grass right by our table too. It made the dinner even more special- and she happened to sing our wedding song! We had a great seat and wonderful food!

Our last morning we took a walk along some of the walking trails area in the resort. I didn't want to go to far since the mosquitoes were out like crazy in the wooded area! We also got to see a bald eagle fly around pretty low, and an osprey dive into the water 2 separate time and get fish! That was pretty cool.


It went by quickly, but that was ok since I have never been away from Olivia and missed her a lot! I knew she was having a ton of fun though!

Happy anniversary to the best guy in the whole world! Love you!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Olivia lately

*Olivia really likes to play and interact with Elsie lately. She was so interested in grabbing her hand for some reason! She was also such a nice friend and pushed Elsie on the swing!
*Olivia has a new playset and really likes the slide part of it! I thought she would love the swing, but she seems to be more interested in the buckle on the swing than the actual swing!
*Olivia continues to love fruit, and recently loved all the fresh berries we picked! *Olivia is absolutely crazy about lawnmowers. She will say "daddy lawnmower" in our garage or say "papa lawnmower" at my dad's house. If she hears someone mowing the lawn in the area, she likes to watch them cut the grass! Such a silly girl! Here she is with her very own lawnmower from papa and grandma Sandy. *

*Olivia has become so good at taking her own shoes off and on. She has a few of the croc style shoes that are great for wearing out in the yard and perfect for her to learn putting shoes off and on! *Lately Olivia has been jumping all the time. She is so cute how she squats all the way to the ground to get ready and jumps with all her might! She loves to show off her jumping skills.
*Here she is with the garden stone she made for her daddy. She loves that stone and remember that she made it with her hand print. She likes to go up and put her hand in the hand print.
*Olivia had her first (and hopefully last!) surgery on Monday June 27th at 7:30 am. She had to get up early and not drink or eat before surgery. She was most sad about no water. She had the little bump on her lip removed and her lip looks great now! She was a little sleepy but VERY thirsty after the procedure. I was so glad everything went ok! My crazy happy girl was back to normal within a couple hours I think! Here she is in her hospital pajamas and socks.

*John captured this cute picture. Olivia was so proud of herself. It was one of the first times she has ever eaten raspberries and she decided to put them on her fingers all by herself! It amazing what she thinks of at her young age!

*My beautiful girl has had a runny nose for the past week now. I have had it too and I am thinking she may have inherited my allergies! Poor girl! I think it is harder for us than her though, she doesn't seem bothered too much by it!

Well, that is a bit of Olivia and what she has been up to these days! She talks so much now that it is hard to remember everything! John and I are amazed almost daily of the words we don't realize she knows, and understand their meaning! She is still such a happy girl almost all of the times and is happiest being outdoors running around! Last night the weather was pretty mild and she ran around outside in the backyard totally naked with the garden hose spraying everything she could having the best time! It was so much fun watching her!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


We went and picked strawberries up in greenbluff this last weekend, and Olivia had so much fun eating what I picked! Here are a few of the photos I took of her sitting down in the back yard eating the juicy berries!

They made quite the mess!

She said "more strawberries"

Checking out the mess on her belly!

I already made a bunch of freezer jam for us to have over the next several months and used a lot of the berries! They are SO good, a huge difference than the store bought berries!