Thursday, June 23, 2011

what Olivia is up to

Yesterday was the first *really* nice day in a long time- almost 90 degrees! I don't have a pool set up for Olivia yet, but we do have a water table on the back porch. She loved splashing and scooping them water up and dumping it out. She is so fun to just watch sometimes! I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

She looks so grown up here I think.

playing in the water.

My pretty girl with those blue eyes of hers.

This is a recent thing of hers. She is now jumping with BOTH feet off the ground. She is SO proud of herself and loves to show people how she can do it. It is pretty cute!

Going down the slide I got her for $1 in Ballard at a yard sale- my mom would be proud! Another example of her behavior lately- climbing on everything!! She is my crazy climber.

Olivia's first Oreo experience. She loved it, but made quite the mess!

Those are all pictures from yesterday! Olivia is so much fun these days. Although she did climb out of her crib one night (well morning actually) so we tried a toddler bed. It worked great for 2 days and then she started getting up earlier and earlier, until one morning she got up at 2 am. We had had it- we put the crib front on and turned the crib around so the back (higher side) was the front of the crib. So far it is working MUCH better. I think she really is too young for a toddler crib, and I don't like loosing that much sleep! Other than that, she is such a happy girl, talking up a storm. She copies everything you say and is really understands quite a bit. John and I wonder sometimes where she learns some words! She really is like a sponge. Oh and one more thing- Olivia is having surgery on Monday to have the bump removed on her lower lip. She bit it months ago and it turned into a bump from the salivary gland not healing properly. I am glad we have it scheduled since it has noticeably gotten bigger in the last couple weeks. Wish us luck! We are having it done at Deaconess so I am sure it will go great. :)

Fathers day

Olivia did a couple little projects for fathers day. She had so much fun doing them too! She did finger painting and a stepping stone for John. We will probably have to break out the paints again sometime because she really did love it- and John loved the painting!

Here she is at the start of the painting.
almost done. I love this picture of her cute little hands in the messy paint.

Olivia with her daddy on fathers day with the finished product. We hung it up immediately in the dining area!

Her cute handprint stepping stone. She helped pick out all the stones we used.

Dad came over for lunch that day before I went to work. We had a great afternoon together!

wedding and visit

Wow, I am so behind in my updating! So the recent big news is Marie got married! I have a lot of great pictures from that weekend, including some with John's uncle Ole from Norway! Warning, there are a TON of pictures in this post!!

Jenny, Olivia and I after we got our makeup done!

John and his sister- the bride.

Her pretty shoes. The were as comfortable as they look I guess! (which is not very!)

The bride and groom.
Her pretty dress!

Getting a break between photos.
Madeline and Nick- ring bearer and flower girl.

The Schrup family.

Us before the wedding.

Olivia made us laugh!

Diane, Madeline and Nick.
The pretty cakes!

The ring bearer and flower girls. Madeline was such a big help with Olivia!

Julie, Sandy and me.

Rachel and Jenny. You can see some of the pretty decorations behind them!

More pretty flowers!

The night of the wedding John and I went and hung out with Jenny, Nick, and their cousins Ryan and Rachel. We had a lot of fun!

The next weekend John's family along with Ole came and stayed with us out in Spokane! Here is Jenny and Olivia. The guys with Olivia before breakfast.

Olivia and her farmor. Olivia is wearing her "farmor loves me" shirt.

Farmor reading to Olivia.

Olivia and her farfar.

pretty blue eyes.

She was running to me over and over. She laughed so hard every time! I got a bunch of funny pictures from her running!

Uncle Ole reading to Olivia.

A cute picture of Olivia and Ole.

Thats a bunch of the pictures I have from the wedding weekend and the weekend after! It's hard to believe its already been a few weeks! I am getting behind in my blogging! Olivia did wonderful as a flower girl with Madeline's help and Julie starting them off down the aisle. Olivia just held Madeline's hand down the aisle and then went and sat with me (for a few minutes before she got restless). The wedding was beautiful and I think the flowers are the prettiest I have seen yet at any wedding!