Here are some stats on our little Olivia at 19 months! No pictures, but I will upload some soon! We have some cute ones of her from mothers day and with her new sand and water table. :)
- weighs about 24.5 pounds, in the 56%
- wears 18 month clothes, and some 2T. Usually have to roll up the sleeves on the 2T clothes though!
- wears a size 4 diaper
- still sleeps about 12 hours at night and usually has one good nap of 2.5-3 hours in the afternoon.
- is still our active crazy girl! Runs everywhere, rarely sits down for long. Lately she is absolutely loving being outdoors playing with bubbles or her new sand and water table. She stands at the backdoor and says "side! Side!" it is hard to get her to come back in once she is put there though!
- has now had swimming and tumbling classes. She does great at both and likes them a lot! She has gotten good at her log rolling and hanging from a bar. I'm looking forward to signing her up for swimming again soon!
- still loves to eat almost everything. Doesn't like eggs at all and meat is not her favorite. ( she does love taco chicken and teriyaki chicken) her favorites are still yogurt that she feeds herself and probably cheese. She also loves her "snacks". She yells snacks and bangs on the cupboard door with her little cup until yup give her something! She knows what she likes! Usually she gets crackers and apple slices for a snack.
- her vocabulary has exploded over the past couple months! She will pretty much repeat everything and says a ton of words. Here is a list: no, please, thank you, dog, cat, momma, daddy, papa, Madeline, Julie, Nick, hi, binky, owl, book, ball, shoes, socks, shirt, wawa ( water), snacks, cracker, juice, ice, egg, elmo, outside, bye bye, see you, bucket, tractor, airplane, and truck. She also says uh oh quite frequently and " ucky" when pointing to her dirty diaper! I'm sure I'm forgetting several words but those are what I can think of! She also puts words together now which is fun. She will say daddy truck, mommy shoes, etc. It is so nice to be able to communicate with her a little! Oh and she also does all her animal sounds, but it very good with the chicken in particular with acting it out too!
- still has the bump on her bottom lip that she has had for months now, and is going to see an oral surgeon to have it removed. Who knew biting a lip could result in something serious? It seems to bother her a little, so we need to get it done. No fun for us or her! Poor girl! We have the consultation on the 26th and then we will see what the surgeon says about it!
- she has recently learned how to take off her pajamas in he morning so we come into her room with a happy bouncing naked girl! She is too funny.
- she also give kisses now which is the best!
- she makes us the happiest parents in the world and we couldn't imagine life without her. She makes us laugh every day! We love you sweet girl!
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