Thursday, February 24, 2011

where we have been


my very favorite photo from the trip. maybe ever.

Its nice too look at this while I see a foot of snow accumulating in the back yard right now. More details of the trip later!

16 months

I am such a bad blogger and mommy. I haven't had a time to post anything for a month! Soon our baby will be 17 months old. I did take these pictures on her 16 month birthday though- promise! She got a mani pedi that day from auntie Jenny too! Apparently she sat through the whole thing like a good girl! She loves to be girly! She loves to put on necklaces, as well as carry around a purse.

I am not going to go into a big list of everything she does this month since I am so far behind, but she is getting more fun and yet more challenging every day! She is much more interactive and is sounding out words. However, she is becoming more clingy to John and I and would love it if we carried her around the house 24 hours a day I think! A little difficult sometimes! Most of the time though she is still our happy sweet girl who loves pretty much everything! She loves these little photos shoots, and climbing all over the bench. That is another HUGE thing this month. She can now climb on and off the couch as well as open doors! Luckily she hasn't done the door thing too much but she does get on and ff the couch as she pleases. I try to just keep a close eye on her since taking her off the couch doesn't help! She is still our happy busy girl!