Monday, August 30, 2010

a bunch from today

Here are a ton I took today of Olivia trying on her birthday skirt. She is SO busy these days- as you can tell. I can't even begin to describe how hard it is to get a picture of her!

"cleaning" her closet.


She learned how to climb up and off of this bench all by herself!

Trying to climb off the chair

sat still for 1/2 a second.

Gotta go!

What a pretty skirt!

I really have to go.

That is my busy happy girl!

busy weekend

We had a great weekend this past week. Jenny and I left Saturday afternoon to meet Julie and Madeline in moses lake at our hotel so we could carpool together to the gorge. About 15 minutes outside of Spokane, my rear car tire split apart on the freeway. Luckily John came to the rescue and we were back on the road in less than an hour. He is so handy! After a fun lunch at Sharis in moses lake, we headed to the gorge. It was so pretty out- but got pretty cold once the sun went down. It was Madeline's very first concert. How lucky to go to the gorge for that! We had a great time seeing Keith Urban and John Mayer- even though it was a little heavy on the guitar and got cold near the end. John is my favorite so he can do no wrong!

$14 margarita. Not kidding.
We headed home after checkout so we arrived in Spokane a little after 1. We had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon. Brenna is turning 1! That means Olivia will be next....

Birthday girl with her cake. She was very delicate. I don't think she got too messy!

Pretty cake Kailub made.

Olivia all dolled up.

My co-worker Wendy playing with Olivia.

Me holding sweet baby Madeline.

Close-up of Madeline.

After the party, we went over to Jenny and Nicks to have dinner with John's parents and their relatives from Norway- Elna and Ivar. So it was a busy day for sure! Olivia was ready for bed pretty soon after we got home.


Here is my curious busy girl. She is getting into everything these days! No wonder it is so hard to keep the house tidy. I think these pictures where taken over 5 minutes or so and the entry way was a complete disaster after! If she ever gets near her clothing dresser I have to shut the drawer and get her away because she LOVES to throw her clothes out as fast as possible!

(these were empty)


Last week I thought it would be a good idea to give Olivia some ravioli for lunch. She obviously liked it, and decided to remove her bib halfway through eating. This made a nice mess all over her pajamas and high chair. Good thing daddy wasn't home. Off to her bath she went after this mess!

Another lunch through the looking glass.

Monday, August 23, 2010


We just got home from a great week at lake Chelan with John's grandparents. We went to the pool a couple of times and Olivia and I watched daddy and Harry swim in the lake. We forgot our camera so we bought a disposable. Now I have to get it developed and see what turned out! Olivia stood up completely on her own several times at the lake but hasn't done it since. We all got to see her do it over and over though! I am thinking it was the texture of the grass that made her do it?

Olivia has also started saying mama quite often. John says she looks at me when she does it, but I have seen her look at him and say it too, so I am wondering if that is her word for both of us right now!

We went grocery shopping today and when she was smiling I saw a 2nd tooth popping through! I can't feel it but I can see it! It is right next to her other tooth.

I go back to work tomorrow. :( Days off go by way too fast. I will try to get those pictures developed and upload any cute ones!

Monday, August 16, 2010

water park

A couple weeks ago we met Brenna and Kailub at the water park. Here are a couple pictures of them in their matching suits, totally unplanned. They looked so cute! Olivia took to the water like a fish so we ended up going the next day with Jenny too!

The next day at the south hill water park.

Loves to splash!

Right after dunking her under water. Surprisingly she doesn't mind it at all! She jumps and kicks afterwards. I tried it out the day before since she kept putting her own face underwater over and over.

With auntie Jenny

Well, I am already back to work tonight! Days off go by so fast.. but after this stretch we are heading to Chelan to visit with John's grandparents and take Olivia swimming some more! That should be fun!


Olivia has been standing for the last week or so but only for a fraction of a second to a few seconds at a time. Yesterday she stood for the longest amount yet at the Lien family reunion at cabin creek. Marie and I were the only ones who saw it! Since then she has been standing more and more today. I actually got a picture of her doing it today and smiling to top it off! I'm sure she will be walking in no time!


My baby got her 1st tooth on 8-9-10 at 10 months old. It is on her lower gums. This picture uploaded sideways for some reason- but I actually got a picture of it on that day! John though I was crazy trying to hold her down to capture a photo, but it is a big development!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A preview

of the colors/theme of her birthday party. 2 more months to go!

Can you tell? It will be pink with a green apple theme.


A few more from the park last night and her in the baby swing.