Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today *almost* 6 months!!

I got another SD card for my camera today since I filled my last one up and I hate to delete pictures (over 750!). This means that I can upload onto my computer faster right now with so few pictures on the card! yay! I wanted to post an update now too while I could since I am going to start a busy stretch of work soon (work 3 days, then only 2 off then work 3 more- exhausting, but that is life I guess)

My pretty girl

Oh boy does she love her puppy!

He looks thrilled....

She has been grabbing her feet a lot lately! She likes to help with her diaper changes. :)

This is one of her goofy faces. She likes to suck in her lips like this sometimes which looks hilarious!

That is all from our photos today. I love her spring color dress! Mom bought it for her last time she visited.
P.S. today is the last day to vote for her in the baby legs contest! It ends at midnight and I hope she wins! :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

long update

Sorry my posts are getting to be few and far between... lots going on between work, baby, and going to Seattle this past weekend! Here are a ton of pictures to update everyone a bit.

Look at my girl trying to CRAWL!! She is getting her tummy off the floor and rocking more and more. Also- where did her cute little Buddha belly go?!

Straight on view

What I like to call "supermodel pose" She is doing this a lot now for some reason!

Olivia in Seattle with GG Harry and Audrey

Olivia with GG Jerry

Looking at each other. He seemed to really enjoy holding her and talking to her! He was also pretty amazed by how big she had gotten since last time he saw her 3 months prior at Christmas!

Daddy helping Olivia ride on her new wheels we found at the thrift store!

All by herself! (Briefly)

Touching auntie Julie's hand through the mesh

Relaxing on the deck

Olivia in a super cute wagon mom had. Next time we will try to get all 3 kids in it!

So there is a little update. My mom has more pictures that she gave me that I still need to upload- and then maybe I can get them up here one of these days! Olivia is still doing great- getting bigger every day! It seems like she will be crawling soon now, but she is very efficient at rolling and scooting to get where she wants. We have to keep a close eye on her! Time to get a baby gate- crazy!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

vote for Olivia!

It is a long shot but I entered Olivia into a little baby legs contest. Could you please vote for her? You can only vote once! (if you try to more than once I think we can get disqualified. ) Thanks so much!

Click HERE

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Paddy's day

Some picture from our little holiday photo shoot! She always plays along with me, never minding the goofy thing on her head!

Look how good she is getting at sitting!

She is part Irish!

In her "kiss me for good luck" outfit!

She is really loving these stuff blocks lately that Jenny gave her!

Looking up at mommy. Don't mind my pajamas...

Sitting up playing with that block.

The camera went off on accident but it took the cutest picture of her little chubby hands and feet! I love this picture!

I hope everyone has a good holiday!

Playdate with Brenna

We had such a fun play date with Brenna yesterday! Olivia fell asleep right before she came over so I got to take a bunch of pictures of her by herself while O was sleeping. Once she woke up it was fun to see the girl interact. Olivia notices her more, but is still more interested in all the toys! You can really see how different they are, it will be fun to see if they continue with these little personalities of theirs! Olivia is definitely the active one- always moving, rolling, kicking her feet, etc. while Brenna thinks about what she does before she does it and seems much more mellow in general!
Olivia needed a hairbrush in most these pictures- whoops!

Checking each other out. I love this one! John thought we posed them.. we didn't! They did this all on their own and I was lucky to get it caught in a picture!

Holding hands. Brenna loved laughing at Olivia. Olivia was looking over at Kailub. She had just woken up here too so she was still a bit groggy!

Olivia 5 months, Brenna 6 months. O outweighs Brenna by a couple pounds now.

Pretty Brenna!

The weather was SO nice we got to go out and take a long walk on the walking trail too! I think Olivia enjoyed it, she fell asleep within the first few minutes! I think she had a lot of fun, it wore her out! She slept until 4 am this morning but unfortunately I am still awake... oh well!

the last week

Sorry I have not seemed to update lately anymore. Between working full time, playing with Olivia, and having this new camera that seems to take FOREVER to upload pics onto the computer, there is just not enough time. Anyway I am going to try to post all I have now to update you all!

Here is O with her new sunglasses I got this last weekend. She hates the sun in her eyes and they fit perfectly!

It was such a pretty day that day! We ended up going for along drive after this picture and Olivia fell asleep right away. I am so glad she is back to liking the car and carseat! It makes running errands and driving so much easier!

and here she is the other day in an early morning bath after an especially messy diaper. She is being a lady and covering all her bits!

Monday, March 8, 2010

few more

Here are some more pictures from the past week. I think I am all up to date now! I have been busy with work and I go back tomorrow night. Luckily I will have 5 days off after this next stretch!

sitting, moving, sleeping

Olivia has become quite the mover and sitter!

Here she is practicing her sitting. She can do this for long periods of time now with her hands down to balance her. I just have to make sure she doesn't go flying backwards- she likes to randomly throw herself back!

Where I found her this morning after I had put her on her activity mat- facing the other direction. I went to check my e-mail and could hear her the entire time, but didn't know how far she traveled or how she did it!
another traveling photos

and this is how she sleeps now. Rolls herself over and sleeps with her little butt up in the air. So cute!!