It was so hot out today I bought a pool for Olivia while at the store (after the incident). I filled it up while she was napping so the water would be a nice temperature when she woke up. After her bottle she got slathered up with suntan lotion, got her swim diaper and suit on and we were ready! I was so happy that John got off early so he could see her for the first time in a pool too. She loved it! I never though anything different though, she is such a water girl!
In her suit before the pool

In her suit before the pool

daddy setting her in her pool

loves it! Just like a bath! Even with bath toys!

forgot her sweet shades

forgot her sweet shades

relaxing with daddy

loves the water!

Martini wanted to play too

We were only outside for 15 minutes or so since it was so warm but she really liked it! She started to get ancy though since she is such a mover, and would like to have crawled on the grass to chase Martini!

Martini wanted to play too

We were only outside for 15 minutes or so since it was so warm but she really liked it! She started to get ancy though since she is such a mover, and would like to have crawled on the grass to chase Martini!