- you weigh 18 lb 8 oz according to our scale. I think you are gaining a bunch of muscle from all your crawling!
- You still wear 6 months clothes, but I bet the 9 months size will fit very soon. A few of your pants are getting short!
-You wear size 3 diapers
- you usually eat 3 meals of solids a day now. You pretty much like everything so far! I have made a bunch of homemade veggies and you seem to like them (other than some texture issues)
- You *LOVE* your little puff things to eat. The maple ones make you smell like you've been eating pancakes!
- you are still taking 6 oz bottles
- you sleep through the night still- yay! Although you have had some difficulties going to bed some nights which makes it tough on your daddy when I am at work!
- You are still hit and miss on naps... sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 3 hours! (usually around an hour or so)
- You are crawling *so* fast everywhere!
- You pull yourself up on everything so quickly. You don't even need a ledge to grab onto anymore! You pull yourself up to stand on the back of the couch, chair, oven. etc. We have to be very careful with you!
- Speaking of careful, you have a bit of an red upper lip from scraping it on something- I think it may have been the fireplace.
- You are walking around the furniture now when you are standing. You can go around the entire coffee table and move from the couch, to the table.
- You are getting better at getting back down to sitting from standing. You slowly put your hand down and sit down. Not always, but happening much more often!
- You still love bath time and like to sit up in your bath now and sometimes attempt to crawl out. That can be challenging! You also *love* to play with your rubber duckies in the bath.
-You really like to giggle and laugh while chasing Martini now
- You seemed to really notice Brenna the other day while playing, you kept bending over to look at her face. It was so cute!
- You still smile after every sneeze.
-Your favorite toys are probably a small yellow ball that came with some stacking cups from farmor, your binkys, your piano, your light up rolling snail and anything off limits (computer, cords, cell phones, camera, etc)
- You are so much fun to have around Olivia- we love you so much! Every day gets better and better.

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