These were taken on Sunday- fathers day. We took a drive to Sandpoint Idaho. Olivia slept the whole way. It was sort of crummy weather, but we had a nice relaxing drive. We walked around town for a little bit, had a good lunch, and then drove back home (with a stop at target!) I know John likes to visit Sandpoint because it reminds him of dreaming of a cabin that we may someday have. He remembered that he told me we would have a cabin by now, but I reminded him that I would much rather have Olivia than another house to take care of (and payment!) There are many real estate offices in town with ads in all the windows and I think he stopped at every one of them to browse! Olivia gave John an family picture keychain, a card with her handprint on it, and a blanket.

These pictures are from Saturday. Jenny was nice enough to come over and watch Olivia so I could take John out to dinner and a movie. (this is the 2nd movie we have gone to since Olivia arrived!) We went to dinner at twigs and the food was SO good! We saw the A-team and it was also surprisingly good! I was glad our money wasn't wasted because movies aren't cheap these days! Thanks again so much Jenny! We had a great time!

Her favorite toy.

Some other updates: Olivia has started waving!! She is also saying Ba-ba a lot and I am pretty sure she is referring to her bottle since we call it that. She says it a lot when her bottle is near. So much for her saying mama first! I am still working on that one. She only seems to make that sound if she is crying! She is also mimicking sounds more and more. She goes in her crib for naps and at bed probably 90% of the time wide awake and I turn on her seahorse and she puts herself to sleep. She loves her crib. I can't believe how much she is changing, I am trying to write it down before I forget!
Happy fathers day to my dad too! You were the best dad in the world to me, like I am sure John will be to Olivia. :)
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