Olivia is the cutest ballerina in the world for halloween!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
here she is- 4 weeks today!!

Bright eyed at 6 am after a loooong night. She didn't sleep from 2-4 am. John ended up going to work at 3 am, because he might as well be working if he is going to be awake- right? She woke up again at 6 am and would NOT got back to sleep. I've been reading that they shouldn't be awake for more than 2 hours at a time at this age because then they get over tired and won't sleep well. I tried everything and when it was close to 8 am I put her in her carseat and off we went! She was happy- quiet and awake. She was yawning a lot though, so definitely tired. We met John at his job and brought some breakfast. Luckily she fell asleep by the time we got there and is now sleeping in her carseat in our bedroom. I'm going to try and lay down now too, but I have a feeling she will be awake soon! She starts making noises when she is close to waking up. mevermind she is awake! so much for napping... isn't her new outfit the cutest?!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Here are some more pictures for everyone- the cherry outfit was from yesterday morning and the thermal outfit is from this morning. I hope she doesn't outgrow her newborn clothes too soon- I got her 4 new outfits at target yesterday with Amanda. Almost all of them were on clearance, so they were a good deal. She is so fun to dress up! The thermal outfit is new. :)

big yawn!
Loves her binky (most the time)
action shot!
my baby is growing up!
I had Olivia weighed today at the hospital and she is 8 lbs 7 ounces today! 1 day before she is 1 month old, she is gaining weight good! She was 7 lbs 11 oz 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I think that is about an ounce a day or so? I haven't sat down and thought about it. I can barely think straight with the sleep deprivation we have going on in this house. Olivia is not wanting to sleep well during the day or night. John is the most patient person in the universe and even he was getting frustrated- so you know it's bad! He actually said he wanted to call the pediatrician and get her some drugs (joking of course). Anyway she slept SO much better on formula. As much as I hate to do it- I think we are going to give her formula tonight at a couple night feedings and see if that makes any difference. It is just not worth it to be this sleep deprived. I will post some pictures later when I get a little time! Other than the lack of sleep we are doing good...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
updated pictures
Here are some pictures of the last couple days. The ones of her in the purple outfit are from today. John is playing with her right now. I have been googling how to get her more into a nighttime routine and sleep longer at night... I think we are going to have to work harder at this. Right now she has no routine whatsoever and I want her to get into one before it is too late! Anyway here are the pictures...

Oh and I found her Christmas dress!! It is oshgosh in a 3 month size. It should fit perfectly!! I love it!! Here is the front:

and the back

Sorry I haven't posted much the last couple days. I am not sleeping much- Olivia seems to like being awake during the night despite being awake for a lot of the day. We are just going to keep working on that! I have been busy today too- she was awake most of the morning and I went with a co-worker and her baby this afternoon to the hospital. Us moms got our swine flu shots! Hopefully we won't get it now... Anyway now I am off to run more errands so it looks like day 2 with no nap... oh well, I'll get some sleep another day I guess! I'll try to post a couple pictures later. Olivia has been in a crabby mood too so please think of her and hope she changes that attitude she is getting! :)
Monday, October 26, 2009
rainy day
It is a rainy cold day today so we are staying indoors. We have the fire going and I am making some pumpkin bread. It's in the oven now and smells so good! John came home for a couple hours so he got to hold Olivia while she slept and I was able to do the dishes and make the bread. He just left so we are all alone now... On another note I was able to nurse Olivia this morning and didn't need to give her a bottle afterward! That is a huge thing for her. I am going to work on doing that all day and see how it goes. So far she has been awake more often, but that's ok as long as it's day time! Anyway I haven't taken any more pictures today yet, but here is one of her yesterday in the blanket Julie and Madeline got for her. She is currently in the same position in the swing!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
I had John take a couple pictures of me and Olivia last night since I don't have very mny of the 2 of us. I seem to be the one taking all the pictures! Anyway they aren't great and I look tired, but one of these are too funny! Do you think she looks hungry?!?

Then one of me laughing from the ealier picture! Wow I look tired! Oh well, I guess a couple hours of sleep here and there don't work too well!

It's 1 in the morning and Olivia just fell asleep in her swing. I am in the living room again- trying to let John get at least a few hours of sleep before he goes hunting in a few hours! He let me sleep earlier in the night so I feel pretty good so far. Anyway our photographer put up a bunch of pictures of Olivia on her blog! You have seen them all, but she wrote so many nice things about us. You can look at it HERE. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Last night went pretty good. I took Olivia most of the night and we hung out in the living room. She woke up every 3 hours or so to eat and get changed. She slept in her swing while I slept on the couch. John said he felt terrible when he woke up- but I wanted him to get some sleep! He slept from 9pm until 6 am so I think he is feeling pretty good today! Olivia went back to sleep fairly quickly after each feed so that helped! Here are some pictures of her today and of her afternoon bath. We ended up getting a new bathtub because the one I had picked out wasn't really working for her- I think she was getting cold, and it was hard for us to bend down into the bathtub. The new one fits over the kitchen sink and she LOVES her bath. Jenny was here today to see how much she enjoys them. She hangs her legs over the edge and really enjoys the warm water! Also there is apicture of her in her pink skeleton onesie and jeans. The jeans are size 0-3 months and you can see how big they are on her! She still needs her little legs to grown a couple more inches!

Friday, October 23, 2009
3 weeks!

Well I think we had the least amount of sleep last night since she was born!Olivia decided it was the time to be awake from 1130 pm until 330 am. Maybe she just wanted to celebrate her 3 week birthday! Luckily she was happy and awake, just didn't want to sleep- or lay down without being held. We tried everything... feeding, changing, swaddling, going in the swing, playing on the activity mat for a few minutes.. even a ride in the car at 230 am! We all went... John didn't want me going alone. It was fun family time! Ha! I still can't complain though because she is a very happy, mellow baby. She didn't have a long nap today until this afternoon. She usually takes a longer one 1st thing in the morning. Not today! I got in a couple short naps so I feel pretty good. Poor John probably only got 5 hours of sleep last night.. broken up into 2 segments! Luckily it is Friday so hopefully he will get in some better sleep this weekend.
Luckily she makes up for her being awake so much with being super cute! Its hard to be frustrated when you look like this. :) Having fun with daddy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Last night wasn't too good- she was up every 3 hours or so and takes at least and hour to go back to sleep so that meant I only got sleep in 2 hour stretches. yuck. I woke up with a really bad headache. Luckily John has a flexible schedule and was able to stay home for a couple hours until I was feeling better. That helped a lot! We also got a nap in this morning, so that was nice. Although I feel like I could use another one already... well better go- I hear Olivia calling for me!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We had a good day today! Olivia had a lot of awake time and was happy all day long. She also got a bath that she really enjoyed and got her hair washed. I have to brush it while it is wet otherwise it turns out like the bad hair day photos. Unfortunately she has a "kate Goselin" hair do going on no matter what I do! The front is smooth and the back is all spiked up! Here are some pictures of it. We also ventured out of the house to the Olive Garden for a late lunch with several of my co-workers and their babies. She slept the whole time and was the perfect baby. It was nice to get out of the house for a little while! Now she is laying in John's lap. Oh he put her in his leather chair and you can see how little she is!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Think of us tonight..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
1st walk!
We just took Olivia for her first walk on the walking trail! She really enjoyed the bouncing of the carseat I think! She also got to meet her neighbors Jack and Joy from across the street. They just looked at her in her seat. We stopped and got the mail, and I had a surprise, my 1st short term disability check! I think it was only for a couple days. John said "I thought you weren't getting that until after 2 weeks?" I had to remind him that it had been 2 weeks now! Time is flying by! Anyway here we are walking, and the beautiful railing John put up in the garage so we don't fall off the stairway! (and some random photos I took while we relaxed on the couch.)

Well... last night didn't go as well as the night before. :( Too bad- I was really hoping that keeping her up would help with the night! Maybe it will just take more time. So we have been up since 5 am and I am tired. We had a busy morning going to Target. It was Olivia's first time out of the car other than going to the dcotor! We had her in her carseat in the stroller though with the tops totally covering her. She did well until the end and we had to go, she was crying! I realized she was too hot on the car ride home and once home, we realized her diaper leaked through her outfit, so there was a reason for all her crying for sure! Poor girl... after changing, quick bath, and eating she was MUCH happier. I think I will lay down for a nap in a few minutes if Olivia stays sleeping. John is working on building a railing in the garage going down the steps.
These pictures are for Marie who gave Olivia this cute onesie. She is the cutest pumpkin in the patch. She is looking more like John every day I think. :) 

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