Excited daddy- already a natural

wide awake on day 2
loving her boppy
big yawn!

happy daddy and Olivia

Just the 2 of us, 1st morning together

Madeline and Olivia- favorite cousins!

John documenting the great hospital food

big yawn!

happy daddy and Olivia

Just the 2 of us, 1st morning together

Madeline and Olivia- favorite cousins!

John documenting the great hospital food

Well it is 130 am so technically we are going home from the hospital today! It's been nice to be taken care of, but hard being woken up every 4 hours for vitals and throughout the day. I am excited to get home so we can get more into an uninterrupted routine, and sleep in our own bed! I'm sure John is more excited about that since he is currently sleeping in an uncomfortable couch that feels like its made out of plastic. Olivia is sleeping on my shoulder right now. She really doesn't like this crib they have here, and I'm nervous to fall asleep with her in my arms. Oh well. I hope she likes her bassinet at home! She is really starting to eat better so I'm happy about that. It is still hard to believe this is all real. Sometimes I feel like she is just another NICU baby I'm taking care of, but she's not! Speaking of the NICU, John and I went upstairs t0 visit my co-workers last night. It was a super quick visit so every0ne could peek at her. Everyone loved the hair! I think they have quite a few pictures up on the board because many people talked about how she looked in her pictures compared to real life. Someone even said how she looks like dad. I think it's official, she looks A LOT like John! So funny to have a mini girl version of John. I don't think John has ever been more excited in his life- I think he would be happy holding her for hours. Well thats about it for now. Our life will be busy and tired until we get a routine down- hopefully that happens sooner rather than later! I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. I will try to post more as the weeks go on too whenever I get a chance. Hopefully not at 130 am like today!!
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