Time in the boppy watching tv with mommy

Big eyes looking everywhere

Falling asleep, big smiles!

Finally asleep.....

Nap time on mommy's shoulder. (it was a very short nap!)

Then Olivia got a little shampoo. Look at her curls!

Then daddy got home and took us for a drive to get out of the house. Olivia is wearing her hat from auntie Diane. I think the flower is as big as her head!

Daddy time with Olivia. Something was very funny on the tv!
Well that sums up our day. Olivia was very awake for a lot of the day with not many naps. I think the longest one was right when John came home from work. Unfortunately that means I didn't get any nap in with her after being up throughout the night. Hopefully tonight she will sleep well! Overall she was very happy though and really isn't any trouble to take care of. I think the hardest part was not being able to get out of the house/ the boredom! It will get better once we are able to get out once in a while. :)
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