It is 1120 pm and I'm sitting in the dark while John and Olivia sleep. I have napped off and on but am a little nervous to go to sleep since Olivia has spit up some fluid a few times today and I don't want her to choke! I think I will have her sleep in the nursery and just come out for feedings tonight so I can sleep more soundly. Anyway, I will post another time aboutt he c-section, but it went great! The only hiccup was probably when they were trying to pull her out and them were literally jumping up and down pushing on my stomach to get her out! Her apgars were 8 and 9, she was 7# 5 oz and 19 inches long. Just perfect. She also nurses very quickly and had no problems latching on. Her blood sugar was slightly low, but quickly went up after nursing! I'm glad I had them check it. I hope she continues to nurse well! Here are a few pictures from the day. Sorry they are out of order, I don't feel like organizing them tonight! Thanks everyone for coming to visit, see you next week mom!
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