It is a rainy cold day today so we are staying indoors. We have the fire going and I am making some pumpkin bread. It's in the oven now and smells so good! John came home for a couple hours so he got to hold Olivia while she slept and I was able to do the dishes and make the bread. He just left so we are all alone now... On another note I was able to nurse Olivia this morning and didn't need to give her a bottle afterward! That is a huge thing for her. I am going to work on doing that all day and see how it goes. So far she has been awake more often, but that's ok as long as it's day time! Anyway I haven't taken any more pictures today yet, but here is one of her yesterday in the blanket Julie and Madeline got for her. She is currently in the same position in the swing!

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