Well Olivia didn't sleep that well last night. We think she may have had a tummy ache because of the way she was acting. She did sleep for about 3 hours at the end of the night/early morning though and woke up in a good mood. Poor John was up with her around midnight until 2 am. I keep telling him I will take care of her, but apparently I completely slept through her crying at that time and he wanted me to sleep. He is the best! (unfortunately she was up again at 230 am until almost 4 and we just slept on the couch until 630 am)
Jenny and I got her activity mat out of the box yesterday and she seems to like it! I had her on her back for most the time and put her on her tummy for a couple minutes. She was very happy looking around at everything for at least 15 minutes! 

Now she is asleep in my arms so I'm typing 1 handed. I hope she doesn't sleep too much today so she sleeps better at night- babies need a lot of sleep though!
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