Here are a few pictures from the last week and a half or so. It took me SO LONG to upload these, that I honestly don't have time to get all the picture up with posts. I will try as soon as I can though! I still have to get on the pictures my mom took and John's mom took too. We went to Seattle this past weekend and had such a great time! Some time on the island, some in Tacoma, and the rest in Ballard. We had a really nice relaxing 7 year anniversary. Spent the day at the zoo with Olivia (her 1st time!) as well as Diane and Marie, a little shopping later then dinner. We had a great time eating together, just the two of us, and talking about where all the time had gone and a little of what we want with our future. We ended that night off with a walk along the beach while the sun went down. Perfect!
Anyway, here are some pictures in no particular order!

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