On our 7 year anniversary we took Olivia to the zoo along with Diane and Marie. I think she had a lot of fun looking at all the other little kids mostly. She did notice the gorillas beating on their chest and chasing each other around. It was such a nice day out- perfect to walk around. After seeing animals for probably a couple hours or so, we had a good lunch and headed back to the car. Olivia got tired by the end of our outing and passed out in the stroller on the way back to the car. John and I were amazed that she slept through him taking her out of the stroller and putting her into the carseat!
Just going in


Tante Marie holding Olivia to look at a goat

ooh the most interesting- gorillas!

I love this picture- everyone looking around so interested!

Posing near the hippos
Well those are the zoo photos! We had a lot of fun being able to take Olivia somewhere for the 1st time that Johna and I went many times as kids. Hopefully next time we take her she will know a little more about animals though!
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