*She is SUCH an active little girl that these are all the photos I could get of her on her monthly birthday!
My sweet Olivia, you are 9 months old. SO close to 1 year now! You are such a busy, active girl- but also very happy! You are learning everything so quickly now, I hope I don't forget anything!
- You are 18lbs 4 oz. I think you haven't really gained weight with how busy you have been now! Your doctor appointment is next week, so we will see then what your official weight is.
-You are still wearing size 3 diapers
- We had to pack up all your 6 month jammies this week and most of your 6 month clothes. It seems like you grew out of them overnight! Luckily I got a great deal on a ton of 9 month clothes on craigslist for you!
-You are still sleeping through the night. You usually go to bed around 730 and wake up around 05 or 0530, but quietly lay in your crib and play until around 0600 at least.
-You still like to put yourself to sleep 90% of the time. You seem to really like your crib and your soothing seahorse.
-You say "baba" really often, and I think you know what it means. You also say "mama" a lot, but only if you are whining/sad!
-You love to make all sorts of sounds.You like to buzz and stick your tongue in and out making sounds.
-You are crawling crazy fast and standing on everything you can!
-You went into the pool for the first time. You have a little baby pool and you loved it!
-You still don't like meat! You make a disgusted face and pull it out of your mouth. I can only get you to eat it if it is mixed in with something more sweet like apples or sweet potatoes.
-You LOVE yogurt. (and your puffs)
-Bathtime is still one of your favorite things. You sit up in your tub an play with your duckies and bath toys. You also still get a huge smile and kick your legs every time I pull you out of the tub to dry off.
-You like the towel to cover your face when we dry you off and play peek a boo.
-You learned to wave this month!
-You have learned to clap this last week!
-You are a big girl now. You like to sit in the shopping cart and get out of your baby bucket. We need to start shopping for a big girl car seat!
-You are still the sweetest most happy little girl I know. You make daddy and laugh every day. We love you.
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