A little late, but better than never! Olivia is 14 months. We have a little toddler on our hands now! Here are her stats:
- She is wearing 12-18 month and some 18 month clothes
- Size 3 diapers, and sometimes size 4's (she fits in both according to her weight)
- We haven't weighed her this month and she is currently napping, but I would guess she weighs between 23 and 24 pounds.
-She still loves to eat most of the time! She loves cheese, all types of fruit, pasta, and sometimes meat (but not too often). She still does 2 bottles a day ( in the morning and before bed)
-She has 5 teeth to eat all that food with. 2 on top and 3 on bottom, with the two next to the top ones *very* close to popping through!
-She has been a little more fussy lately and it may be due to those 2 teeth.
- She has been wild and crazy with her adventurous personality these last few weeks! She currently likes to pull out the bottom stove drawer and stand on it to get up higher on the stove. She also likes to get up on the fireplace and stand up there dancing and laugh, and just yesterday put an entire shape toy in her mouth. Good thing it had a breathing hole! That one got taken away... Oh and she also stands on her little rocking chair and "surfs". She does that on her little piano sometimes too. She LOVES to climb!
-We took her to Santa the other day and he was the first person she was absolutely terrified of.
-She still really hasn't had any illness *knock on wood* other than a runny nose /congestion around the time of her birthday. We are taking her out more to play with other kids though, so that may change soon!
-She is still sleeping all night- going to bed around 7 pm and waking up around 6 am with *usually* 2 good naps a day of at least an hour each.
-Still loves her bath time! She just uses the big bath now and has tons of toys to play with in there.
-We think she is the cutest thing in the whole world and love every day with her! Love you baby girl!