Here are some pictures of decorating around the house. We didn't put out a ton since everything has to be up high away from little fingers. We also haven't bought a tree yet, and I am a little nervous how that is going to work out... We may get one today since it looks like John will be home a little early for once. I considered not even getting a tree this year, but it just isn't Christmas without a tree so I guess we better do it! I go back to work tomorrow night and then only have 2 days off before another 3 day stretch, so I will only have 2 days off between now and Christmas. Where id the time go!? I feel like I have so much to do and no time! I still want to make Olivia her stocking since hers is a "baby's 1st Christmas" one from last year. We will see if I get anything done!
Olivia "helping"
SHe loves looking at the lights
Planning her next move!
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