Olivia had a play date on Monday with her friend Brenna! Here they are. Olivia 6 months, Brenna 7 months. It was so cute seeing them interact with each other now. When they first met they didn't even notice each other and now they like to reach out, touch, and play. Of course they also seemed to always want the same toy, but luckily they didn't really care too much! Brenna was a sharing friend though, giving Olivia her pacifier, which Olivia promptly put in her mouth!
Here is Olivia, like always, can't sit still.

and still can't...

and still can't... So much for getting their monthly head shot together!

They are both so good at sitting now!

Olivia likes to be on her tummy a little more that Brenna does.

Olivia rolled into Brenna's lap so Brenna decided to do her hair! So nice!

Anyway it was a fun day together and luckily Olivia goes down for her nap so easily now so it worked out good and Brenna was able to use the pack n play in the basement for a mid day nap too!
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