Well Olivia you are already half a year old! Time is just zipping by. You are still a baby, but I feel like you are such a big girl now and not a baby. Daddy always comments on how long you are and how you look more like a little person and not a baby anymore! I know your 1st birthday will be here before we know it, and you will be running all over the house. Here are some of your 6 month stats:
-You weigh 16 lbs 3 oz according to our scale
-You are wearing size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 at night (to help keep all the wetness in!)
- you are officially in all 6 months clothes. I have been trying to go through your closet and dresser to make room for all your new cute stuff!
-You are literally rolling all over the place. You can turn in circles on your tummy and scoot around to where ever you want to go! You are also getting your tummy and even legs off the floor in attempts of crawling. You actually do a yoga downward dog pose!
-You are getting really good at sitting up. I still like to be close in case you tip over, or at least have the boppy behind you, but I am sure you will master this in no time!
-You are sleeping through the night more often, although most often you get up one time a night.
-You are finally much better at falling asleep while out running errands or in the car and it makes it so nice on us!
- The last couple of days you have put yourself to sleep for naps, which I think is good because those end up being your longest naps!
-You took a trip to Seattle with us last week to surprise grandma Jan and you did great in the car! Not as much sleeping as when you were 2 months old, but I wouldn't expect that of you since you are a big girl now!
-You are taking more like 5-6 oz at every feeding now
-You are starting to eat solids now- some rice cereal in the morning and a fruit or veggie at night! So far you seem to like the fruits and veggies, you just need to get the process of swallowing it down!
-You smile ALL the time and do it so quickly when someone smiles at you. Everyone thinks you are just the prettiest, happiest baby ever!
-We love you so much and can't imagine life without you. You are such a good baby and we are so lucky to be your parents!
-p.s. you have your 6 month check-up on the 5th so we will see what your official weight and length are!
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