meeting George!

mmm Carrots.

Well Olivia has been doing SO good lately! It is like the light bulb finally clicked and she has been sleeping through the night for the past week and going down to naps and for bed at night on her own. I still like to rock her, but she almost won't fall asleep with me holding her. I think she prefers to play around in her crib a little while. I am currently watching her on the monitor and she has been playing in her crib for 15 minutes now quietly and finally put her head on her doll from farmor and is watching her glow seahorse. Looks like she is almost asleep :) She has also been napping better. I think once she learned to put herself to sleep made a HUGE difference. Also she is eating more solids now. We usually have a a little fruit and rice cereal in the morning and some veggies at night. So far she has eaten everything but did not like avocado. I thought it was so mild, but she made a terrible face and wouldn't eat it. Otherwise she has already tried and liked pears, bananas, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches and prunes (well she tolerated the prunes but didn't love them). I can't believe my baby is eating food now!
p.s. I already tentatively scheduled her 1 year photos with amber! She is the best so I wanted to make sure I got in with her!
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