Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I'm glad I got tonight off. That way I can spend my last day without a baby getting a pedicure and making sure I have everything packed and a little more tidy around the house. John is working late tonight, trying to make sure he finishes a big job before Friday!
Monday, September 28, 2009
dr appt. 38 weeks
weekend update

John in action (credit card in his mouth that he used to scrape the decal onto the wall)
and the finished product! Isn't it cute!?
We did the decal before I went to work last week. Its hard to believe I only have 2 more nights of work for the rest of the year! We barely have any babies in the NICU right now so it is a good time to take maternity leave. I go back tonight and hope to get a good nap in this afternoon. I woke up around 3 am and after using the restroom Olivia was moving like crazy. I think she was going for over and hour then gave herself the hiccups. Then John got up a little after 5 so I got up with him. He said he didn't sleep very well either. He thinks he is just getting ready to what life will be like pretty soon! Anyway, this last weekend was our last weekend together as just the 2 of us. We thought it would be fun to do something special. John made reservations and took me to the Couer d'alene resort in Idaho. It was fun to get out of the house and normal routine for the night and be near the water! Here is the resort: ( I took this one while sitting on the park bench by the beach Sunday morning)
And the views from our room:
Saturday night after swimming for a little while and dipping my feet in the hot tub at the resort, we went to Beverly's. It is a super nice restaurant on the 7th floor of the resort. I think John said it is rated 5 star! We couldn't get reservations until 8 pm, but that was ok. I ate lunch a little later and we had a little snack on main street earlier in the day. The service there was AMAZING. I think they offered us 3 kinds of water, then they ask if you want lemon, lime or cucumber in your water! They also gave us a mini lobster corndog as a "bite from the chef" before dinner, and offer you sweet rolls or regular rolls. The sweet rolls looked GOOD, but I had to stay away from them! I ate a little of a regular one though. John and I both ordered salads (his was regular house and mine was a harvest salad with apples and pears- super good) and John ordered halibut and I ordered chicken. John also ordered an imported beer on the recommendation of the waiter. John said it was good, but it was big and expensive- $10!! Nothing was cheap there though. After that there was a dessert that looked SO good I just had to try it with John. Here is the description off the website.
"Chocolate Molten Cake: with Dulce De Leche ice cream, caramelized bananas, and macadamia nut brittle" It had even more than that though- the plate was really pretty with different colored sauces and kiwi and strawberry. It was the best part of the whole meal I think. I'm sure my blood sugars weren't too good with that, but I didn't think we would ever go back, and I just had to have some! The waiter took a picture of us with our dessert (and John's $10 beer!)
And some random photos from our walk Sunday morning after breakfast at the Dockside.

and lastly here is my belly sitting on the bench next to the beach:

Thursday, September 24, 2009
4 more nights
So I go back to work tonight for 2 nights, then 2 off then 2 more on and I am done for several months. How weird is that? It is also a little weird that I told John I think I am going to miss work a little. I'm sure that will quickly fade once Olivia is here.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
new camcorder
Anyway now we have something to use to record Olivia doing anything! I'm sure we will bring it to the hospital too for fun. :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
pictures of what we've done

Some of the great clothes from a co-worker and a full closet! (this 1st outfit on the left is the Nordstrom one I mentioned previously- shirt and pants)
Here is the changing area. Julie gave me the lamp, but I went with different bedding so I am going to have to get a new one, but I really like the size. I may also add a couple bird decals or something on the wall.
Bath time!
And some of the decals around the nursery
That's all for now. I need to get some cleaning done around the house and have a lot of laundry to wash for Olivia!
It's Fall!
Anyway I had my dr. appt yesterday and she did say she really didn't think it would be a good idea for me to try pushing Olivia out. That's why we scheduled the section. It is scary since it is major surgery, but like I said before, I want Olivia to come out the best way that will keep her healthy. We went to childbirth class last night (our last one) and they did go over c-sections briefly. They showed a cartoon like demonstration of a section and it was a little scary to see how they cut you open and spread apart your abdominal muscles. It's weird because I've been to a lot of sections now at work and don't think much about it. It is different when you think about it happening to yourself! Well overall the childbirth class was good for introductory information, but after I found out I probably needed a c-section, I felt like it didn't apply as much to me personally. Oh well. I think John like learning the breathing exercises. He was always very helpful in class.
Well I went off on a tangent, during my dr appointment she said they are just going to call me gestational diabetic since I did have the high sugar and Olivia has a big belly. For that reason, she sent me across the street to the hospital for a non-stress test. I hadn't had one of those done, and it was kind of interesting! It was just like I was in labor and delivery, and they hooked 2 monitors around my belly. One measured Olivia's heartrate and one measured if my uterus was contracting. I was also given a button to push every time Olivia moved. When I pushed the button it put a little arrow on the monitor strip. When she first put the monitor on Olivia was moving, but after that she settled down of course and was sleeping for a few minutes. I thought it was going to be a LONG test. The nurse brought me a bottle of water and that sure woke her up! She was moving like crazy and the monitor showed it. The nurse said her heart rate had to stay up for 15 seconds when she moved to show she is healthy. Her HR jumped every time she moved, and it showed I was having contractions! The nurse asked if I felt them, and I didn't at all. It just felt like Olivia was pushing outward. Anyway Olivia did great and I was probably in and out of there in 20 minutes. I have another one next Monday afternoon after my dr. appointment. It looks like only 1 more appointment until she is born! Weird!
Well I was going to add picture to this post of what we have done around the house, but for some reason my laptop won't open the pictures. I will try for it to work on my regular computer but it's acting weird too!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
On another note, we went to a neighborhood potluck tonight at the park. We met a few neighbors, so that was nice. I found out there are already 2 other Olivia's in the development- crazy! The smallest one is 3. Her dad is actually an OBGYN out here, so that was interesting to meet them. I thought we would meet more people, but it is hard to go around to strangers and start talking. Also, I don't think a lot of neighbors actually came- but it was nice! I'm sure once I get out and about with Olivia I will have more reasons to start talking to the other moms!
Well I have to go to work, then I have a BUSY day tomorrow. Dr. appt at 1:30, then a dentist appt. at 3:30, then childbirth class at 6! At least I can sleep until 1230 or so... oh well!
Friday, September 18, 2009
ultrasound 37 weeks
Anyway on another note, the etsy seller designed my vinyl for me to match my bedding. Look at her blog and see how cute it is! It will be almost identical but I want just plain bright green leaves. Isn't it awesome? I'm excited to see how it looks on the wall!
Well I'm off to bed- good night!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
blood sugars
Anyway now I am waiting for a call back from the nurse who is setting up the class. I guess they usually have one tomorrow, but I work tomorrow night. I hope it is at a time I can attend. It should be helpful in telling me what to eat. That is something I have a bit of difficulty with. I know you can't eat a lot of sugar, but it gets more complicated with carbs and things. Anyway the last couple days haven't been fun but I guess it is good to find this out late rather than never.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Apparently I'm "impressive"