Well that's what the dr. said about the swelling in my feet. At least I am impressive at something I guess! I know my feet have been swollen off and on for he last couple weeks depending on if I've been walking a lot or able to relax. Well John, Jenny, Nick and I went to the fair last night and did a lot of walking, so I don't think that helped the swelling!
Anyway the dr. didn't have great news. She is concerned about me giving birth because Olivia has a large belly, not a large head (normal size head) and going through the birth canal would be an issue. She is also concerned because she checked me and said I have a very narrow pelvis and doesn't think I would be able to give birth to much over a 7lb baby (actually she may have said 6..). So that really sucks to think about. I just want what's best for her though, ad I don't want her getting in distress because I'm set on delivering her. So she didn't say a date for delivery or anything, but I think she just wanted me to start thinking about a section. The recovery time is also much longer since it is major surgery, so I'm hoping that John could stay home for a week. I guess we will have to see what his schedule is like when the time comes. I guess on the plus side sections are scheduled so John will be happy with that. He has been stressing a little over what he is going to do about work when she comes I think, so this would work well for him! She also had me do some blood work since I am so swollen for pre-eclampsia. Even though my BP has been fine the whole time (including this appt) the swelling isn't good- so they measure different things in your blood to test for it. She also examined me and I'm totally closed so not going to go into labor any time soon. The last thing she said was she wants me to start checking my blood sugars. Even though all my lab work is normal Olivia is showing signs of me having gestational diabetes with her belly being large like this. I just went to Walgreen's and got testing stuff. I had eaten 3.5 hours before and my sugar was 55. She wants it under 140 1 hr after eating and under 120 2 hours after eating. So I am eating lunch now and will see what it says. So not the best appointment in the world, but I guess things could always be worse.
The fair last night was really fun. I LOVE the fair. I have to go every year! I haven't missed it once. Usually I go a couple times while it's here, but I'm not sure if I'll be back this year. We went around dinner time so it wouldn't be too hot out and left after dark. I love to see all the rides lit up in the dark. John and I shared some teriyaki chicken, and I had some really good lemonade and a shaved ice later. It was SUPER good. We saw most of the animal and different exhibits. Jenny and I played the horse racing game where you roll the balls up into the holes. She beat me! We were the only 2 players so one of us was guaranteed to win! It was a fun 60 seconds or so! We also saw some cute little kids riding bucking sheep and heard a guy on stage that sounded EXACTLY like Kenny Chesney. Weird. Anyway here are some pictures from the night!

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