Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Eve
Well tonight I am sitting at home alone holding Olivia while she sleeps. John has to work late tonight since he spent all day buying new tools so he can work. I never would have thought New Years 2008 we would have our own baby girl this New Years. 2010 is going to be fun!
I will try to put up some pictures from Christmas but I had to put up some random ones of today I took with the new camera. It makes such a difference huh!
Our little Olivia rolled from her tummy to her back twice this afternoon for the first time! Jenny was here and caught some photos of her doing it! After she did it once, I ran out to the garage to get John (who was putting together some new tools). We put her on her tummy again, and she flipped over so fast she scared herself and cried! (That is the last photo)
I woke up this morning at 130 to feed Olivia who was crying. After she went back to sleep I laid her down and went back to bed to try and sleep. Around 3 am George started howling. I let him out and then Martini out because he hears that George is being let out and he wants to go too. After a few minutes and Martini is inside, I notice that George isn't coming back. Finally I wake up John and tell him I can't see or hear George. John goes outside to get George and notices his trailer door open. OH NO. Thieves broke into his trailer and stole $1,000's worth of tools. Of course the day after we spend all of our Christmas $ on a new camera. Merry Christmas huh? I am just so thankful that they did not try and come into the house and mess with anything inside or us. We are all ok and that is what matters. (Oh and I did check on Olivia immediately who is sleeping away like nothing happened)
John who tends to look on the bright said said he needed a new tile saw anyway and thank goodness he has insurance.
John who tends to look on the bright said said he needed a new tile saw anyway and thank goodness he has insurance.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sorry I haven't had any time to update on our Christmas or put any pictures up, but we are still trying to get Olivia back into a routine and are trying to put away everything/ clean up everything from our long trip. I think Olivia got used to being held during naps so unfortunately for me I cannot get anything done around the house. She is slowly getting better, so I think I will have to start enforcing a "no holding once she's asleep" rule- otherwise she will have to be held for the rest of her life! Also I feel like I started coming down with something last night- sore throat, congestion, etc. This makes it not easy to get anything done around the house either- between holding Olivia and not feeling well. Luckily John came home a little early and brought me some medicine so I am hoping it kicks in. Also, our big news....we got a new camera!! John took Olivia this afternoon to run a couple errands and came home with the camera we have been dreaming of for a while now. We were able to get it with Christmas money from my mom and John's grandparents! We ended up getting it at Costco. The battery is charging now so hopefully I will be able to try it out tomorrow! Well, I better go- Olivia is awake for the THIRD time since we laid her down for bed. This gets exhausting!! We can't hold her while she sleeps all day and night...
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Well I can't put up new photos today but I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We had fun last night at John's extended family gathering. It was nice to see everyone and introduce little Olivia! She behaved very well until she decided it was bed time and she had enough visiting! We brought her home and tried to bathe her, but she wasn't having it. We had waited a bit too long! Poor girl was SO tired and her eyes were bright red but she ended p sleeping for 5 hours straight so that was good for us. She is still currently snoozing away in her car seat nice and cozy wearing her "baby's first Christmas" pajamas that I bought for her. I will be sure to take lots of pictures today opening present and visiting new relatives. Lots of fun things in store the next few days! :)
P.S. I haven't written since we drove over to Seattle, but Olivia did GREAT! She must like the motion of the car since she didn't wake up until we woke her up in North bend for a little shopping! She is such a good baby. :)
P.S. I haven't written since we drove over to Seattle, but Olivia did GREAT! She must like the motion of the car since she didn't wake up until we woke her up in North bend for a little shopping! She is such a good baby. :)
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Olivia has been sleeping really good in her carseat the past few nights. I think she just likes to sleep more upright! Maybe she does have a bit of reflux that makes her grumpy when she lays down to sleep, I don't know! It is now 7 am and I have been up since 4. Not because of Olivia- she went right back to sleep by 430 agfter eating! I am just not sleeping that well these days once i get up with her. At least she is sleeping longer stretches so I am getting 5-6 hours at once now. I will probably try and take a little nap later! I love the weekends- John is home too so I can relax a little more!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
getting bigger sleeping better
Olivia is growing up! I wish she would stay little forever but she can't. I am going through her clothes and boxing up most of her newborn stuff which doesn't fit anymore. :( So sad!! I'm hoping that they can be used by someone again someday, they are just so cute! They bring back a lot of memories from who gave them to me and being in the hospital with little Olivia. I remember sending John home to get little outfits with hand covers so she wouldn't scratch her face and now none of them fit. To show how much she is changing, look what she does all by herself on her mat now! She starts out straight up and down and turns herself until her feet touch her monkey machine!
Pretty new hair clip. Maybe she can wear it to the strawberry festival next year! (I will have to remember to request that weekend off from work!)

I think this is her favorite time of day- bath time. She has bath every night to prepare for bedtime. I hope someday she associates the two! She LOVES her baths.. still kicks, splashes and laughs the whole time!

Daddy playing with Olivia during her bath last night.

Someday daddy's hands won't look so big in comparison to Olivia!

This morning playing on the mat together. Don't mind me- no makeup, hair not done, etc. I guess this captures what our mornings are really like though!


Last night Olivia slept GREAT. She slept 7 straight hours and then 4 more hours after eating! The trick was her carseat. I had a feeling she would sleep well in it since that is the only place she seems to take any decent naps. We swaddled her and put it in the crib with the monitor on her. I couldn't believe I got to sleep (getting up once in between) until 9 am!! I never sleep in that late so it felt really nice. She is currently napping in her carseat now. I know it may be hard to transition her to her sleeping in her crib, but I feel like we have tried absolutely everything to get her to sleep in there, and it just isn't happening. The girl has had a sleep positioner, warmed her crib, a lullaby white noise machine, projection on the ceiling, a soothe and glow lullaby seahorse, swaddle, pacifier , and a humidifier. We have held her, she has sleep in her swing, in her bassinet... We seriously tried everything. At almost 11 weeks old it is nice to have her sleep somewhere good and actually get some rest. Also maybe this means she will sleep ok on our trip to Seattle next week!

Daddy playing with Olivia during her bath last night.

Someday daddy's hands won't look so big in comparison to Olivia!

This morning playing on the mat together. Don't mind me- no makeup, hair not done, etc. I guess this captures what our mornings are really like though!


Last night Olivia slept GREAT. She slept 7 straight hours and then 4 more hours after eating! The trick was her carseat. I had a feeling she would sleep well in it since that is the only place she seems to take any decent naps. We swaddled her and put it in the crib with the monitor on her. I couldn't believe I got to sleep (getting up once in between) until 9 am!! I never sleep in that late so it felt really nice. She is currently napping in her carseat now. I know it may be hard to transition her to her sleeping in her crib, but I feel like we have tried absolutely everything to get her to sleep in there, and it just isn't happening. The girl has had a sleep positioner, warmed her crib, a lullaby white noise machine, projection on the ceiling, a soothe and glow lullaby seahorse, swaddle, pacifier , and a humidifier. We have held her, she has sleep in her swing, in her bassinet... We seriously tried everything. At almost 11 weeks old it is nice to have her sleep somewhere good and actually get some rest. Also maybe this means she will sleep ok on our trip to Seattle next week!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
christmas photo shoot
It snowed last night so it seemed only right to have a little photo shoot in front of the Christmas tree!

I hope everyone is having a good day... we aren't going anywhere since it snowed and I want to make sure the roads are nice and plowed when we go out! Olivia slept pretty good last night- waking every 4 hours or so and slept in her crib allowing us to sleep in our bed! I think she is just a hit and miss kind of girl and we never know what nighttime will bring. It will be good when she growns out of it and sleeps all night! The one thing I can count on is that she is a happy girl when she is awake, unless she is hungry or tired!

I hope everyone is having a good day... we aren't going anywhere since it snowed and I want to make sure the roads are nice and plowed when we go out! Olivia slept pretty good last night- waking every 4 hours or so and slept in her crib allowing us to sleep in our bed! I think she is just a hit and miss kind of girl and we never know what nighttime will bring. It will be good when she growns out of it and sleeps all night! The one thing I can count on is that she is a happy girl when she is awake, unless she is hungry or tired!
special day
Olivia and I went to Deaconess yesterday for a little visit to see all the nurses, especially Patrice since she was at Olivia's birthday! Patrice hadn't seen her since the week so I'm sure she looks a lot different being 10 weeks older now! I dressed her up in the cute outfit from Julie and Madeline. Olivia was in a good mood during the visit, so that was nice. She also must've been tired since she fell asleep on the way home and took a nice long nap in her carseat. Being at work made me miss it a little bit! I know I will be back soon enough and wishing I wasn't!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My friend Kailub, her husband Joel and little Brenna (1 month older than Olivia) cam over for dinner and play time last night. We had so much fun hanging out, eating and talking and watching the girls! At 2 months and 3 months they don't interact much, but it will sure be fun watching them grow up together! It is also nice to know a couple with a daughter so close in age to Olivia. They brought over Brenna's bumbo so they could look at each other. That was pretty funny. They also played on the mat together. Olivia wasn't as active as she usually is since she was still tired from her immunizations, but she was a good girl and actually fell asleep on her play mat during dinner! Here they are having a dance off.
Big girl Olivia!
Our baby girl keeps getting bigger!! As of yesterday she is *almost* 11 lbs! She had her 2 month pediatrician appointment and she weighed in at 10lb 15 oz. (in the 40 something percentile) and 23 inches long (sixty something percentile). The doctor said in the first year their length has more to do with nutrition rather than genetics. That means she eats well now!Anyway she had 3 shots and that made her very sad. :( Fortunately I was able to calm her down in the room after a few minutes of crying. After that she was actually pretty happy and slept a lot. She never was fussy or had a fever so no Tylenol needed! Well here are a few picture of the last couple days. Sorry a couple are sideways, blogger did that for some reason!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Its been WAY too long
Sorry its been a while We have been busy and Olivia keeps me busy! She likes to be entertained more and likes you to play with her when she is on her mat. She loves to smile and laugh now! She also likes being held so that is making it hard for naps and night time. We have spent the last few nights on the couch which has been hard. I thought things were supposed to be getting better right around now?!? I just keep telling myself it could be a lot worse... Anyway here are a bunch of pictures over the last few days. I think very few days have passed since her birth that I haven't taken a picture. There are just too many cute things she does! This is her waking up in the morning:
Tummy time with her pretty new clip in her hair.
Bis smiles!

She smiles so big sometimes it is hilarious and then she always turns her head like she is shy.
She is also starting to become quite the drooler!

In her pretty knit hat my mom made. Still a bit big! She got mad every time it fell into her eyes. I bet it will fit perfect next winter!

Where did Olivia go?

Playing with daddy

Olivia in the morning sun

John and Olivia with the tree in the background.

And these are from today. She was so happy playing on her mat.

Believe it or not this is her huge smile!

She found her thumb to suck on!

Bundling her up to take some neighbors some cookies. The snowsuit was a gift and is 3-6 month size. It is so huge on her but very thick and warm! I was laughing so hard because she looks like the kid in the Christmas story whose mom bundles him up so much he can barely walk to school.

Cant you just picture her waddling to school in this?? ha ha too cute.

Well now everyone is caught up with pictures. It is just about bathtime for Olivia. It is the one thing that ALWAYS makes her happy even when she is screaming. Although she can start the screaming all over again once she is out, but at least bathtime is fun! It is Olivia's farmor's birthday today. Happy birthday Diane!

She smiles so big sometimes it is hilarious and then she always turns her head like she is shy.

In her pretty knit hat my mom made. Still a bit big! She got mad every time it fell into her eyes. I bet it will fit perfect next winter!

Where did Olivia go?

Playing with daddy

Olivia in the morning sun

John and Olivia with the tree in the background.

And these are from today. She was so happy playing on her mat.

Believe it or not this is her huge smile!

She found her thumb to suck on!

Bundling her up to take some neighbors some cookies. The snowsuit was a gift and is 3-6 month size. It is so huge on her but very thick and warm! I was laughing so hard because she looks like the kid in the Christmas story whose mom bundles him up so much he can barely walk to school.

Cant you just picture her waddling to school in this?? ha ha too cute.

Well now everyone is caught up with pictures. It is just about bathtime for Olivia. It is the one thing that ALWAYS makes her happy even when she is screaming. Although she can start the screaming all over again once she is out, but at least bathtime is fun! It is Olivia's farmor's birthday today. Happy birthday Diane!
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