Daddy playing with Olivia during her bath last night.

Someday daddy's hands won't look so big in comparison to Olivia!

This morning playing on the mat together. Don't mind me- no makeup, hair not done, etc. I guess this captures what our mornings are really like though!


Last night Olivia slept GREAT. She slept 7 straight hours and then 4 more hours after eating! The trick was her carseat. I had a feeling she would sleep well in it since that is the only place she seems to take any decent naps. We swaddled her and put it in the crib with the monitor on her. I couldn't believe I got to sleep (getting up once in between) until 9 am!! I never sleep in that late so it felt really nice. She is currently napping in her carseat now. I know it may be hard to transition her to her sleeping in her crib, but I feel like we have tried absolutely everything to get her to sleep in there, and it just isn't happening. The girl has had a sleep positioner, warmed her crib, a lullaby white noise machine, projection on the ceiling, a soothe and glow lullaby seahorse, swaddle, pacifier , and a humidifier. We have held her, she has sleep in her swing, in her bassinet... We seriously tried everything. At almost 11 weeks old it is nice to have her sleep somewhere good and actually get some rest. Also maybe this means she will sleep ok on our trip to Seattle next week!
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