Glitter house village!

The nativity set we bought in Mexico. I love it but have mostly no clue who the people are. I think the set is kind of off but I love it. I wont be able to put it on the fireplace next year! It is definitely not baby proof with small and sharp pieces. It is fun remembering buying it in Puerto Vallarta with John.

These are a few of my favorite ornaments. My grandma would get us ornaments every year and it was always fun to see which one she would pick out for us that year. I want to start the same tradition with Olivia and buy her an ornament every year so she has a collection when she moves out. How weird will that be??
One from my grandma and another from when I was one year old!

One from my first Christmas and another special one from John. It was hand made in Mexico with each bead applied with a tiny bit of wax. There is a story behind it too. I bought one similar in Puerto Vallarta and the Christmas after we went we decorated the tree. Well George was in the house and we came upstairs to find beads everywhere. I was so sad he destroyed my ornament and John found a seller online and got me another one!

One from my first Christmas and another special one from John. It was hand made in Mexico with each bead applied with a tiny bit of wax. There is a story behind it too. I bought one similar in Puerto Vallarta and the Christmas after we went we decorated the tree. Well George was in the house and we came upstairs to find beads everywhere. I was so sad he destroyed my ornament and John found a seller online and got me another one!

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