Olivia is loving being outdoors these days. Anything having to do outside, especially the playground and slide. She runs to the backdoor daily and request "side side!" She has a sandbox type toy on the back deck that she loves and her favorite is digging in the dirt and getting totally messy.
Here are some photos from the other day with Amanda and Elsie. We took the girls to the park since it was such a nice day out!

Olivia can now get up on the play equipment without any help and go down the slide all on her own. She does face first and also sits and goes feet first.

We brought some bubbles too.

Sitting still for a fraction of a second!

Amanda and Elsie

Olivia was trying to follow a bird.

I hope we continue to get more sunny days so we can spend more time outside! I know Olivia would like that too!
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