John turned 31 this past Sunday. I unfortunately had to work the night before so I had to nap on his birthday and then had a baby shower to go to in the afternoon. Of course John didn't mind- he is so laid back. The baby shower was so much fun, I don't know if I've ever been to one so nice! I still wanted John to feel a little special, so I brought donuts home for breakfast on my way home from work (he also made breakfast- pancakes and bacon). We then went out for a really nice dinner after I got home from the baby shower, while Jenny and Nick watched Olivia. It was so nice to be able to take time and enjoy our meal rather than rushing! We did joke that we spent a lot of time talking about Olivia when she wasn't even there- but that's what most people do, right?! Anyway I got him a blown up canvas of the picture of him throwing up Olivia into the air. He seemed to really like it. I also got him a weekend river rafting trip that him and Nick are going on in July! He sounds really excited so I'm hoping he has fun!
The baby shower:

We walked over the falls after dinner. The weather was so nice!


Happy birthday John! I couldn't imagine a better husband or daddy to Olivia!
Aww..that last picture is so sweet.
Happy birthday to the hubster!
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