I am so behind- I came on here to post some more pictures of the last couple weeks and realized today is Olivia's 19 month birthday! I am going to try very hard to get pictures of her later! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up. These are pictures from our Easter weekend. We took Olivia to her first easter egg hunt on Saturday where they divided everyone up into age groups, so she didn't have older kids running in front of her. :) She got the idea before we even put her on the ground- yelling "Egg!" She quickly knew to put them into her basket! After she got a couple though she was more interested in looking at all the other little kids. It was over in literallly seconds even though there were thousands of eggs on the ground. Thats ok though, she had fun!
Her very first egg:

Sitting with her basket of eggs:

Family picture after the hunt:

The next day on Easter at Dads house, Olivia is in her pretty Easter dress I bought last year!

Outfit change for playing and easter egg hunting (and also flying with daddy)

Another family picture. She didn't take off the ears surprisingly!

Checking out her special elmo egg.
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