I got another SD card for my camera today since I filled my last one up and I hate to delete pictures (over 750!). This means that I can upload onto my computer faster right now with so few pictures on the card! yay! I wanted to post an update now too while I could since I am going to start a busy stretch of work soon (work 3 days, then only 2 off then work 3 more- exhausting, but that is life I guess)
My pretty girl

Oh boy does she love her puppy!

He looks thrilled....

She has been grabbing her feet a lot lately! She likes to help with her diaper changes. :)

This is one of her goofy faces. She likes to suck in her lips like this sometimes which looks hilarious!

That is all from our photos today. I love her spring color dress! Mom bought it for her last time she visited.
P.S. today is the last day to vote for her in the baby legs contest! It ends at midnight and I hope she wins! :)
My little one loves to hold her feet during a diaper change, too! It's so funny how she just throws her legs up into the air when it is changing time! :-)
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