I know I say this EVERY month, but really, where has the time gone? It seems like a lifetime ago we were waiting to see how big you would *really* end up being, who you would look like, how much hair you would have, etc. Now we know- you weren't that big, you look a lot like your daddy, and you do indeed have a ton of hair. Now that you are 5 months old we are learning more every day what personality you have, and how happy of a baby you really are. Happy 5 months sweet baby girl!
5 month stats:
-You are 15 lbs according to our bathroom scale, big girl!
-you are fitting in size 3 diapers better than size 2's. We have 2's to use up, but once those are done we are moving on up into 3's!
- You still eat about 4-5 oz at a time, but like to drink more like 6 oz at bedtime.
-You are sleeping (most nights) at least one stretch of 8-10 hours.
- You have tried rice cereal a few times this last week and haven't like it once! The look you get on your face when it hits your tongue is pretty funny. I tried to have you do it today at lunch to see if a different time would make you feel different. You opened your mouth wide for it, but didn't quite get the swallowing part. I think most rolled down your chin onto the bib!
- A lot of your size 3 month carters clothes look to be getting snug at the shoulders. I can't believe how fast you are growing! You fit into 3-6 month clothes well.
- You like to hold my finger or pat your own tummy while you eat your bottle.
-You still like your binky and really like to ride in the car with it in your paciplushi!
- You are still drooling up a storm, but it seems like you are doing it more on purpose now. You like to make noises and blow rasberries.
-You are totally a tummy sleeper. I have now been able to relax since you do it on your own. (and we removed all the blankets and bumper out of the crib)
-speaking of your tummy, you can tolerate it MUCH longer now. Especially since you roll to it on your own and can watch Martini!
-You can sit for a few minutes at a time (tripoding with 1 or both hands down to balance yourself)
- You still aren't much of a napper but we have had a few good ones recently (including right now- amazing!!)
-You have been in the habit of not falling asleep in the car and having meltdowns while out running errands. Lately though you have fallen asleep easily so I am hoping you are starting a new habit!!
-You have really noticed Martini in the last few weeks and always laugh and giggle when you see him. You also like to reach out and pet him.
- You are giggling more. You don't do it often, but when you do it is too funny!
-You smile SO easily. You are such a happy baby and smile pretty much all day long. I love it!
-You are still our "busy" girl. Always moving your legs non-stop! (as you can see in the pictures I took today- above!) It makes getting you dressed an adventure! You like to move them when I hold you up in the air too, like you are walking!
-We love you so much our sweet baby girl!
What a sweet update! I love her outfit and that cute bow in her hair.
My little one is just about to hit 7 months, and she is borderline OBSESSED with our 2 cats right now. If they come into the room she is in, she'll stop whatever she is doing (including eating) to watch them!
Just precious! LOVE, love, love the striped baby legs! :)
Such cute pictures!
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