Look at my girl trying to CRAWL!! She is getting her tummy off the floor and rocking more and more. Also- where did her cute little Buddha belly go?!

Straight on view 

What I like to call "supermodel pose" She is doing this a lot now for some reason!

What I like to call "supermodel pose" She is doing this a lot now for some reason!

Olivia in Seattle with GG Harry and Audrey

Olivia with GG Jerry

Looking at each other. He seemed to really enjoy holding her and talking to her! He was also pretty amazed by how big she had gotten since last time he saw her 3 months prior at Christmas!

Daddy helping Olivia ride on her new wheels we found at the thrift store!

All by herself! (Briefly)

Touching auntie Julie's hand through the mesh

Relaxing on the deck

Olivia in a super cute wagon mom had. Next time we will try to get all 3 kids in it!

So there is a little update. My mom has more pictures that she gave me that I still need to upload- and then maybe I can get them up here one of these days! Olivia is still doing great- getting bigger every day! It seems like she will be crawling soon now, but she is very efficient at rolling and scooting to get where she wants. We have to keep a close eye on her! Time to get a baby gate- crazy!

Olivia with GG Jerry

Looking at each other. He seemed to really enjoy holding her and talking to her! He was also pretty amazed by how big she had gotten since last time he saw her 3 months prior at Christmas!

Daddy helping Olivia ride on her new wheels we found at the thrift store!

All by herself! (Briefly)

Touching auntie Julie's hand through the mesh

Relaxing on the deck

Olivia in a super cute wagon mom had. Next time we will try to get all 3 kids in it!

So there is a little update. My mom has more pictures that she gave me that I still need to upload- and then maybe I can get them up here one of these days! Olivia is still doing great- getting bigger every day! It seems like she will be crawling soon now, but she is very efficient at rolling and scooting to get where she wants. We have to keep a close eye on her! Time to get a baby gate- crazy!
that thrift store car is where it's at! LOVE it!
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