Ugh. Olivia had quite the night last night. She got fussy a little after John got home. I went to sleep since I was so tired and John said he woul dput her to bed. Well I heard her screaming at 10pm and I went out to see what was going on. John said she'd been crying pretty much the whole time. He fed her more, changed her, rocked her, took her for a drive- even gave her a bath! I nursed her for a few minutes and she went to sleep. I guess thats what she wanted. I felt bad that John tried so hard to get her to calm down. Anyway we REALLY need to work on something and her sleeping! Hohn had lost all patience at that point last night.
On another note, we went for a nice long walk yesterday with kailub and Brenna. O did great- slept the whole time. She wore her going home outfit from the hospital- its still big on her. weird!

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