John and I had a good night with Olivia and I felt like going out! The weather was so nice and I knew Olivia would do good running errands since she did so well with Jenny and John's grandma yesterday! We decided to go out to breakfast. John wasn't too sure about it and was nervous Olivia would make a scene. We were ready though with everything she would need, but she did great! The restaurant was so noisy anyway so she probably could have screamed and no one would have heard. We also went to a bunch of stores and got a monitor for her room. We will start using it soon and trying to put her in her crib at night. Anyway she was great the whole time as long as she had her binky. I got her out to feed her when we got home and the poor girl had messed her pants! We quickly changed her but she was so hungry I waited to dress her until after she ate. John took a picture of her showing how strong she is. She lifts her head and looks all around!

Olivia took a nap after I dressed her and woke up in a good mood in John's lap. He started moving her legs like a bicycle and playing with her, and she smiled on purpose! I could've sworn she laughed too but I'm not positive. I tried to take more pictures of her smiling. These are blurry and not as much of a smile as the first one, but you get the idea!

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